Don’t know what the equivalent is today. But that one solidarity Commodore Pet, green screen glowing in the corner of the classroom, will always have a special 32kb space in my heart.
Device 2? Had to look that one up. Secondary tape drive. Maybe also double duty as disk drives on the user port, but I may be mixing that up with the C64.
Don’t know what the equivalent is today. But that one solidarity Commodore Pet, green screen glowing in the corner of the classroom, will always have a special 32kb space in my heart.
load “*”,2
Device 2? Had to look that one up. Secondary tape drive. Maybe also double duty as disk drives on the user port, but I may be mixing that up with the C64.
The disk drive on the C64 was device 8, at least that’s what we used for our 1541.
“*”,8,1 ?