I cannot prove this is real, but I have been assured it is.
For those who need background on who this utter numbskull is- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libs_of_TikTok
I cannot prove this is real, but I have been assured it is.
For those who need background on who this utter numbskull is- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libs_of_TikTok
You’re right, I’m really more of a ska guy than a grunge guy. Look forward to checker shoes, cargo shorts, an open button-down over a tank top, and trillbies
Ska coming in and out of fashion like:![](https://media4.giphy.com/media/BhbFyaA5qCUSY/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952gdijujauquqac0mcy4nececfjqyi5yeo1ucsn7ia&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)
Since it was the style at the time…