even the name is too much imo, when i delivered pizza some places had their system like this, i don’t like strangers knowing that. it’s too personal.

the picture is really, really too far. only the most utter HOA boomer could even potentially spin needing to know that. and you can of course imagine the issues with it.

  • isyasad@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I mostly agree but it’s a different time. People can find you online using your name and face (not everybody is as anonymous as I’m sure many of you lemmites are) and it’s not likely that anything bad would happen but I can see it as a privacy concern.
    It’s still just first name though so I don’t see it as super invasive but it’s still not exactly the same thing as a pizza guy wearing a name tag that says “Rambo” (or whatever it says in the image you uploaded)