
    7 months ago

    Over 55% support at least conditional aid to Israel. The notion that most Americans don’t care about the genocide in Gaza is entirely false. Just because it’s not a top issue when comparing to others like immigration or abortion does not mean voters don’t care. The anti-genocide protestors are Democratic Voters, they are likely voters. These are the kind of voters that go door knocking, the kind of voters you want if you want to win a campaign.

    Pivoting left on Gaza is critical if Harris wants to secure a Victory. Hundreds of thousands of likely voters all over swing states would be gained of Harris makes Israel a partisan issue. That pivot would gain her massive support and momentum, especially in critical swing states. It’s correct on a moral standpoint, it’s correct on a political standpoint, it’s also correct on the standpoint of international law.

    An April 2024 poll of likely voters across the U.S. found that 30% strongly supported withholding military funds to Israel until the attacks on Gaza stop; another 25% somewhat supported that conditional aid policy.

    Below we asked all respondents what minimum combination of policies would secure (for non-Biden voters) or solidify (for Biden voters) a vote for Biden for President. A third or more voters in every state except Minnesota said a lasting ceasefire was among the minimum policies that would be needed to secure solidify their votes

    Although voters are split on whether they approve or disapprove of Biden’s handling of the war, the vast majority (≥ ~75%) across all states still support an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Only a small minority of voters, from 11.2% to 16.1% in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, respectively, strongly approve of the President’s approach on Gaza. Of those, the vast majority in each state (≥64%) strongly support an immediate and permanent ceasefire. That is to say, a change in approach would not lose those votes, but staying on the current path risks doing so.