At risk of sounding stupid, I need some pointers on how to set up a Wi-Fi router and make it as private and secure as possible.

To sound even more stupid, I don’t really know what PiHole is, or why some people route their traffic through a VPN. I suppose my main questions are these:

  • What Wi-Fi router should I get?
  • How do I configurate it as somebody who is somewhat privacy-conscious but not very tech-savvy?

I don’t really know how regular Wi-Fi routers work, what the common worries are, how/if data is at risk of being leaked, and so on. So, any pointers would be appreciated! Feel free to direct me to any privacy guides, as well. Cheers!

    6 months ago

    Turn off broadcast of the SSID

    Don’t do this. It provides zero security, and just reduces usability. Now you should call your SSID something non-identifiable. So instead of “$YourName Wifi” call it “pleasure chest” or something. Additionally do not set a ridiculous 64 character + special characters password, because again you are providing next to zero additional security, while hugely reducing usability.

    Use a simple password scheme of 3-5 unrelated common words like from here: for your wifi password.