Posting facts and relevant links about Elon Musk and his Boring Company’s “Not a Flamethrower”.
Obligatory Fuck Spez
I got banned from signal’s subreddit for talking about how telegram works and the case for it.
Talking about “Other Product” in the “Product” sub and getting banned is a tale as old as time. So obvious that the mod community is overrun with corporate accounts and their influencer subcontractors.
They banned the infamous turtle mod. Not because he was a horrible and abusive mod, but because he protested Reddit’s API changes that killed third party apps. It just sends the message that as long as you align with the company, then you can abuse their users all you want.
Who gives a fuck about Reddit?
Most of Lemmy’s population comes from Reddit “immigrants”, so alot of people probably care about Reddit
Being of certain race or nationality
FatPeopleHate, not because they did it, but because they promoted a woman to be in charge of it exclusively so they could throw her under the bus for it, and the sweats of reddit bought the whole thing hook line and sinker
Is “sweat” the term for a collective of reddit users, much in the way a murder is the term for a collective of crows?
I thought the collective noun for a bunch of redditors was A Misery
The shutdown of r/2balkan4you. Greatest achievement of the Balkans in decades lost because of one dumb admin
Levels of white-on-white racism not seen since the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
Their greatest achievement was a subreddit?
In the last few decades yes probably
That’s kinda sad
The wannabe tyrants of subs like OffMyChest who banned people for simply posting in another sub, regardless of context, and the fact that Reddit didn’t shit about it despite it being against their own ToS.
Super lazy form of “moderating” to not just wait for someone to actually be a dick in your sub. Most people receiving the ban never heard of your dopey little sub until they got auto-banned for the crime of participating in an unrelated sub.
deleted by creator
Oh no this was years before Covid that this was happening. I remember this because it was prior to a close family member of mine passing and that had something to do with my personal experience with this sub, in particular.
They said it was due to “brigading”, but a lot of the users being banned had never heard of the obscure subs that were doing this.
You have been banned from r/Pyongyang.
I got banned from r/entertainment because I said I thought Lizzo’s outfit she wore at her DC/crystal flute appearance was ugly. Nothing about her or about Madison’s crystal flute or any of that, just that I thought her outfit was ugly.
I made an off-color joke and got banned from reddit itself for a whole week.
This joke was made by several other people in the same reddit post, by the way, because it was low hanging fruit due to the topic at hand.
They updated their terms of service to ban discussing the wrong brand of cat food. Oh wait.
my original account got shadow-banned in 2012 for no apparent reason and no notice, i think no reason qualifies as the dumbest
/r/portland used to ban people for calling catalytic converter thieves “criddlers”.