You could not be more incorrect on more levels if you tried.
How exactly was Harris trying to put out this fire again? By welcoming the war criminal Dick Cheney into the party with open arms? By arguing with Trump that she’s more pro fracking and pro genocide than he is?
Harris’s platform offered zero solutions to anything. Her entire thing was “brat vibes” and also I support the corporate powers that be even harder than Trump does. She was literally offering a harder border policy than TRUMP.
I’m not exactly sure what you think she was saving us from.
If the house wasn’t on fire we wouldn’t need to save the people. Your strategy will never save the people in the house. Neither landlord cares about the people, only the companies providing services.
You do realize literally nothing has happened yet. Are you some sort of gypsy fortune teller and know what will happen?
We didnt have democracy before and we dont have it now. Nothing changed. Nothing burned down. You are acting like we had a nice house to live in before, but we didnt.
I’m sorry the illusion of american excellence was broken for you this cycle but I’ll let you know it was broken the whole time.
Should the DNC have put forward a candidate that was fairly selected with grass roots support among the wider voting population?
No, it’s the voters who are at fault.
deleted by creator
Yes. Other countries manage just fine.
Maybe they didn’t purposely withhold votes. Maybe they were just not enthusiastic enough about the DNC candidate.
This is not democracy. It’s a corporatocracy that’s one candidate away from dictatorship.
The house is on fire because the two greedy landlords have refused to do basic maintenance and listen to the concerns of their tenants.
deleted by creator
Holy shit.
You could not be more incorrect on more levels if you tried.
How exactly was Harris trying to put out this fire again? By welcoming the war criminal Dick Cheney into the party with open arms? By arguing with Trump that she’s more pro fracking and pro genocide than he is?
Harris’s platform offered zero solutions to anything. Her entire thing was “brat vibes” and also I support the corporate powers that be even harder than Trump does. She was literally offering a harder border policy than TRUMP.
I’m not exactly sure what you think she was saving us from.
If the house wasn’t on fire we wouldn’t need to save the people. Your strategy will never save the people in the house. Neither landlord cares about the people, only the companies providing services.
deleted by creator
And the fault is the landlords in charge of the house. Not the people living in it.
The people wanted a fire extinguisher
One landlord was offering a wet blanket.
The other was offering petrol.
You do realize literally nothing has happened yet. Are you some sort of gypsy fortune teller and know what will happen?
We didnt have democracy before and we dont have it now. Nothing changed. Nothing burned down. You are acting like we had a nice house to live in before, but we didnt.
I’m sorry the illusion of american excellence was broken for you this cycle but I’ll let you know it was broken the whole time.