I’ve often assumed Harris didn’t want to insult her boss by going against him, because I got the impression she was planning to give Netanyahu what for once she took over - especially with him escalating things further and further. Did anyone else get that vibe, or was it just wishful thinking on my part?

  • alekwithak@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    In March 2024, she called for an immediate ceasefire, citing the immense suffering of innocent Palestinians and urging increased humanitarian aid to the region. Whitehouse.gov

    Harris has also advocated for a two-state solution, envisioning a unified Gaza and West Bank under the Palestinian Authority, with Palestinian voices central to the peace process. She outlined five guiding principles for post-conflict Gaza: no forcible displacement, no reoccupation, no siege or blockade, no reduction in territory, and no use of Gaza as a platform for terrorism.

    She also called for an immediate ceasefire and hostage deal on Colbert Vanity Fair and in Vogue.

    • WoodScientist@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      What of those are actually new policies? Has Biden ever come out in favor of Israel annexing the West Bank, or in favor of forced displacement? Of course not. They’re liberals, not Republicans. Centrist liberals like Biden and Harris want to talk, but that’s all they want to do. There is nothing you cited there that hasn’t been happily endorsed by liberals for decades, all while Israel tightens the screws on the Palestinians ever-tighter.

      It’s all meaningless words and platitudes. While she’s SAID things that would be great to do, she has refused to actually use US leverage to DO any of those things. The Biden administration also talks about endorsing a two-state solution and all the things you mention. Again, Biden talks in fluffy glittering generalities when it comes to saving the Gazan people, but he refuses to actually back those words with actions.

      What precisely, did Harris propose to actually achieve any of those things she’s laid out? What leverage would she use to force Israel to accept these?