• inv3r510n@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Going into Super Tuesday when conveniently all the moderates dropped out in favor of biden, she stayed in the race despite having no path to win and the only reason was to split the progressive vote away from sanders as a spoiler to guarantee biden the nomination since sanders was giving him a run for his money.

    Funny how liberal shills flip the fuck out about third party voting in the general working as a spoiler yet resort to bullshit identity politics when their own act as spoilers.

    She along with the DNC ratfucked the primary and delivered us an ineffectual and detestable biden/Harris which directly led to trump being re-elected. Fuck her.

    But yeah it’s totally misogyny for why we hate her, not the fact that she colluded with the dnc to fuck sanders over once again.

    The democrats don’t give a fuck about fighting fascism. It’s all theatre to them.

    • enbyecho@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Believe it or not, I share your anger toward the Democratic Party. I’m not registered Dem for that reason. I just don’t care to limit my blame to one individual and say “oh well, that’s the problem”. Because the problem is way way bigger than that.

      Sanders was never going to win against the establishment candidate. No progressive candidate will, possibly not in our lifetimes and so saying things like “the democrats don’t give a fuck about fighting fascism. It’s all theatre to them” is, quite honestly, pointless and not constructive. For one, we know that’s not universally true. For another, what are you going to do about it, in practical terms?

      Let’s say that everything you state is true. What practical steps can you or I take to dislodge the DNC and put forth truly progressive candidates?

      The answer to this question is precisely why, while I understand and share the anger, I don’t feel shouting into the void and laying blame is a good use of time. Because ultimately there is no revolution. There is no wholesale transformation of the system that happens in a short period of time, no matter how much we want to shake our fists and protest.

      The only way to loosen the grip of the establishment parties is frustratingly slow, very incremental change. And that means blaming the DNC or anyone in the DNC and saying “well fuck them, I’m never voting for a Dem again” is counter-productive.

      • inv3r510n@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The premise of this is false. Warren split the progressive vote away from sanders. The democrats ratfucked every primary that I can remember, they even tried to ratfuck 2008 in favor of Hillary but Obama was such a strong candidate that they failed.

        You’re stuck in social democracy, I’m in direct action, unionization of the workplace and figuring out ways to undermine and overthrow capitalism. It’s only a matter of time before it collapses under its own weight but liberals and their apologists just throw their hands up and say it’s too hard. Electoralism does not work. Democracy died a long time ago, if it was ever really alive in this country.

        I’m never voting democrat again. I don’t give a fuck.

        • enbyecho@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          "The premise of this is false. Warren split the progressive vote away from sanders. "

          Prove it.

          “I’m in direct action”

          I too am very special.

          Edit to add:

          Do you know how long people have been saying capitalism will collapse “any day now”. Do you know how many dictators have been elected by people like you simply because you didn’t “give a fuck”?

          What you are doing is throwing up your hands and saying it’s too hard.

            • enbyecho@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Fuck you liberal trash.

              Such nice civil discourse from you. Perhaps you should step away from the computer and calm down.

              We have trump thanks to YOU

              No YOUUUUU. The blame game is pointless here. It’s really, when it comes down to it, exactly why Republicans win elections. Good job!

              • inv3r510n@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Just keep asking questions sea lion.

                Keep losing elections because you’re too busy chasing the mythical centrist unicorn who won’t vote for you anyway in a general. Keep losing, loser.

                The world has spoken. Neoliberalism is over! country after country has thrown the neoliberals out of office after they’ve decimated the working class and turned most of us into debt slaves.

                Go back to brunch liberal. Don’t you have some ‘work’ to do poolside? Liberals are completely and utterly out of touch and fucking delusional.

                Meanwhile queers like myself are in the fucking crosshairs while liberals time and time again ratfuck elections to protect their class while lying about sAvInG dEmOcRaCy. Where’s your January 6? You’re just gonna roll over and hand over power to tHe NeXt HiTlEr? I expect nothing more than some ineffectual marching in circles with signs while crying. That will show the fascists!

                • enbyecho@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  You are so wound up in your anger you can’t even have a reasonable dialogue. You don’t even realize that shouting angrily at people just makes you look like a fool.

                  Keep losing elections because you’re too busy chasing the mythical centrist unicorn

                  I don’t want centrist anything, I want socialism. Calling me a liberal is about the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.

                  But you are so angry you can’t even read the words. You assume I’m things I’m not. LOLLOLOL.

                  The central difference between us is that instead of angrily shaking my fist and shouting at people so much I can’t hear a damned thing they say - I acknowledge I’m not the main character and that listening can accomplish far more than yelling in a blind range.

                  I hope you live a better life and recover from your anger. I highly recommend long hikes, good food, good friends and practicing gratitude.