If you are gonna downvote, say something.

I can’t tell if you’re downvoting because you saw the word “blockchain”, or you really love it.

I’m using quotes in the title, because I suspect a major amount of people use the word “blockchain” loosely to refer to other related things. If you are willing to, please provide a definition of what you mean by “blockchain” as well.

  • gramie@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    About 7 years ago we had some very expensive consultants, hired by clueless management, do a presentation to our marketing team.

    When that consultants declared that, “we see the future of the web centered on blockchain”, the two of us who were developers shared a mystified and slightly horrified look.

    Fortunately, the consultants went away after extracting their $200k and providing our director with some glossy reports. They did have a few useful suggestions that we implemented, but on the whole they were never mentioned again.