If I call you a Putin asslicker it basically means that all the evidence you posted is null and I don’t have to even read it or post evidence of my own, so, checkmate.
Add this one to the list, btw, Russia’s surpassed Japan as the 4th world economy by PPP gross domestic product.
That’s basically the level of argument libs bring to the table. The most hilarious part here is that this is stuff that’s openly reported in western media. It’s not controversial in any way, and yet we still have people running around thinking that the west managed to harm Russia in some way.
No, I’m pointing out that the west overthrowing governments tends to have negative consequences for the west. The US tried to occupy Afghanistan for decades and bled trillions on that project. Meanwhile, anytime a government is overthrown by extremists, then you necessarily end up with waves of refugee fleeing the country. What part of that are you having trouble understanding?
Lol, you serious? From Turkey alone around 250.000 refugees already returned since Assad fell. They were hardly able to manage that stream of returning refugees at the border. Many, many more prepare to return. Most refugees fled from the Assad governement.
The Isis-thing was never more than a minor sub-conflict.
In what way is Russia weakened?
Last I checked, mainstream western sources report that Russian economy is booming. For example, the World Bank just reclassified Russia as a high income country https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/opendata/world-bank-country-classifications-by-income-level-for-2024-2025
The IMF forecasts that Russian economy is set to grow faster than all the western economies https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/17/russia-forecast-to-grow-faster-than-advanced-economies-in-2024-imf.html
Russian oil and gas revenues soared 41% in first half of the year, as the data shows https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russian-oil-gas-revenue-soars-41-first-half-data-shows-2024-07-03/
Russian military is stronger today than at the start of the war https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ukraine-krieg-nato-oberbefehlshaber-und-generalinspekteur-ueber-folgen-und-perspektiven-a-9cb8d225-8bd8-454d-830d-009c9f46dfc9#selection-791.0-791.81
The number of Russian troops is constantly increasing https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/12/17/ukraine-s-top-general-to-le-monde-the-number-of-russian-troops-is-constantly-increasing_6736188_4.html
Russian MIC is outproducing the west. For example, Russia is able to produce 3x as many artillery shells as all of the west combined https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/10/politics/russia-artillery-shell-production-us-europe-ukraine/index.html
Dude don’t come in here with evidence. You’ll pop their bubble.
If I call you a Putin asslicker it basically means that all the evidence you posted is null and I don’t have to even read it or post evidence of my own, so, checkmate.
Add this one to the list, btw, Russia’s surpassed Japan as the 4th world economy by PPP gross domestic product.
On the other hand: Germany, one of the biggest sponsors of this war, is currently on its way directly to the shitter https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2024-12-18/the-german-government-collapse-and-a-trend-of-discontent
That’s basically the level of argument libs bring to the table. The most hilarious part here is that this is stuff that’s openly reported in western media. It’s not controversial in any way, and yet we still have people running around thinking that the west managed to harm Russia in some way.
Russia just lost Syria.
Seems to me that the west just gained a new Afghanistan. I’m sure Europe is going to love the new refugee crisis.
You are blaming Afghanistan for african refugees ??
No, I’m pointing out that the west overthrowing governments tends to have negative consequences for the west. The US tried to occupy Afghanistan for decades and bled trillions on that project. Meanwhile, anytime a government is overthrown by extremists, then you necessarily end up with waves of refugee fleeing the country. What part of that are you having trouble understanding?
Lol, you serious? From Turkey alone around 250.000 refugees already returned since Assad fell. They were hardly able to manage that stream of returning refugees at the border. Many, many more prepare to return. Most refugees fled from the Assad governement.
The Isis-thing was never more than a minor sub-conflict.
Yeah, I’m very serious. The country is literally overrun by jihadists now. If you don’t understand that people are going to be fleeing what’s happening you’re living in a fantasy world. Even reuters understands what’s happening https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/up-15-million-people-could-flee-syrian-escalation-un-official-says-2024-12-06/