For those of you unaware:

This is by far the most unique shell out there, since it doesn’t use raw text as output/input to command line calls, but instead an actual data structure. It’s like if every CLI call returned a database table, in a way.

    2 months ago

    Yes, absolutely.

    I’ve been using it for a while. I’m not super/very command-line centered, but I use it as my default shell on Windows. I did not set it up as a default shell on [my] Linux servers.

    There was a bit of a time investment in making the switch, but I enjoy it a lot, and have used a few data querying and transformation functionalities that would have been much harder in other shells, requiring additional apps; I would have probably created custom C# CLI apps for them. Nushell allowed me to do those in the shell, directly, with native operations.

    I’ve also set up a few very useful aliases and commands; Like dl for yt-dlp, and dl opus for downloading highest quality opus audio. Or ff for a few ffmpeg conversions.

    I’ve also contributed a bit upstream. Maybe I’ll get more into Rust and be able to contribute more, and to the core.

    I have my setup/configuration and scripts in a public nushell-config repo.

    Examples, of how I used it productively:

    Download my paged Steam reviews because Steam doesn’t provide GDPR compliant exports, transforming the awful shitty HTML with query web into structured data, and transforming it into Markdown files for my website.

    At work; For a list of device IDs, create JSON command files, transform them into BSON via CLI call, en-mass. (We have multiple hundreds such devices. Configuration and firmware updates require mass-updates via individually addressed command files.)

    Parse and analyze DMARC reports for reported issues, and to identify report format differences from different reporters.

    I’m sure I did more things, but that’s what came to mind right now.

    Because of how much I love Nushell, I’ve created a community a little while ago, !, if you’re interested.