Yo even homies headphones are a throwback.
You know he was using that with this on his trips to and from school every day.
Can you imagine how bad his neck must hurt by the end of the night? They could have at least spared another loop to keep his forehead supported
He’s the only one with a flat screen: serves him right
Oh, give him a break it’s probably a dual scan passive. He’s playing Doom through a gray smeary mess. But you didn’t have to log a CRT to the basement… So there is that
I was once so broke that I couldn’t afford a case for a computer I had.
So I brought my computer to a LAN in a trash bag and set it up on the host’s electric stove.
I feel like the static buildup common on trash bags might not be the best for rawdogged computer components 😂
I’m shocked (haha pun) that it still worked but it did.
Also the cord from the power supply to the outlet ran next to the sink.
I love this, and I’m so glad nothing went awry lol
Buying a router from Best Buy and returning it the day after the party. Memories.
On the shelf next door is still the box with the hundreds of coax ethernet cables, the T-connectors, and 50 Ohm terminators from the LAN parties in the 90s. Before they were called “LAN parties” and used for gaming.
I remember making a serial cable so my friend and I could play command and conquer against each other. Good times.
Oh yes! We had those, too (as my friend had no networking card), and playing with the red and blue CDs was fun! This must have been somewhere '95 or '96.
And BTW: I made those networking cables myself, too. They had bright yellow sleeves, and the terminators and T-pieces had been painted yellow to tag them as mine.
Oh man, I remember after we got network cards trying to make an Ethernet cable out of a bunch of old power cords. The error rate was through the roof but it actually worked for like an hour. We eventually walked to the local RadioShack and bit the bullet on buying a cable 😆
I’ve done loads of coax cables back then, not just for those meetings, and later made quite a number of tp cables, too (as part of my job back then). But I had the tools for cutting, crimping, testing, and verifying them and the training, so that was not an issue.
My last LAN Partay was in 2016, that one weekend where Overwatch wat F2P, and we wanted to play Dota but had a party of 6. It was fantastic
https://lanwar.com/ still going strong if you need a LAN party.
Providing my weekend LAN party with the Warcraft 3 beta was the highlight of my early nerd career
one of my great regrets (Of a great many, I’l concede) is that I never had the opportunity to attend a lan party in my younger days… In these days of the photo.
I have always looked at this picture with a mixture of jealousy and admiration.
Wrapped in plastic and the heat rising from all those monitors - I bet that guy was sweating.
Even if he was floating up in the sky in the most comfortable high tech invisible fluff pillow levitator, just being 3f/1m higher then everyone else will already feel quite a bit warmer. Maybe this is that one guy in your group that never wears socks and is always hot.
I bet his arms had fallen sleep from dangling for hours.
And just like that…I’m planning a LAN party for my birthday. Done. It’s been close to 7 years but I want one.
You might be interested in this book https://readonlymemory.com/shop/book/lan-party/
Lan parties were basically the highlight of my highschool career. I learned how to set up and configure complex networks just so I could be ‘that guy’ that knew how to fix problems at lan parties. Sitting in someone’s garage all night with 12-16 sweaty, sleep deprived people playing Counterstrike or Unreal Tournament or Worms Armageddon was the absolute pinnacle of good times in a rural small town.
We used to do 12-hour, all-night Empire Earth games!
Aww, man - I’d forgotten about Empire Earth, that game was absolutely the shit at the time. Wish it’d gotten more attention and credit.
A bunch of people in the same room beating Serious Sam from start to finish while someone played an eclectic playlist of hiphop on the aux for over 24 hours. Those were the halcyon days.
Halcyon & on & on…
I never really experienced this, I was mostly a console gamer.
Curious what you do for work now? Related to IT or games in any way…?
I did computer repair for quite a few years after high school, then worked in IT at a game company, and currently work in the software testing industry, so… yes! Hah
With the current quality of MS products, every office drone works in the software testing industry.
Chad life.
Thank you for the reply! Amazing. I hope you’re still passionate about what you do!
Funny enough duct tape ceiling guy is playing on an LCD monitor.
Probably they were the best player and they gave them all the handicaps available. 😅