The Chinese people were certainly already “broken” in 1949. They had undergone a century of collapse, most were illiterate, women were essentially chattel, and every single grain of wheat or rice more than what was required to keep them alive was stolen by unelected landlords.
The communists took power and every single one of them was taught to read, women were enfranchised, no-fault divorce and abortion were legalized, political rights were expanded, opium and gangs were chased out of the mainland and the feudal lords were held to account.
30 years after the revolution they had turned a society of feudal peasants into a nuclear power, 30 years after that and it’s the world’s largest economy by PPP.
The same things can be said about the Bolsheviks, who defeated a nazi army which sought to annihilate them.
going around people’s houses, knocking on doors and telling them that stroganoff had to be made with pork now to break them mentally. it’s true, my grandma told me
And by every major polling organizations metrics the Chinese people overwhelmingly approve of the CPC.
Typical westoid wants to destroy a government that is liked by it’s people. What’s your countries government approval rating? Do you want to overthrow your government too?
Racism mostly. Easier to just be racist against the Chinese than to admit COVID is the result of something more nuanced and systemic
It’s also about laziness. It’s much less effort to just point a finger than to think about the complexities of a situation.
It’s also really easy to dismiss the uncomfortable origin (It came from a Chinese lab) and point to the “complexities of the situation” instead.
Nobody has a problem with Chinese people.
But the CCP needs to be given the Beria treatment.
Yeah, and hitler didn’t like jews.
It’s tucker fucking Carlson, duh.
Ask him about gay people and immigrants next.
The clip is actually mainly about his guest, but anyway my point is that your claim was clearly false.
“We don’t hate the Chinese just the government that they like and has made their people prosperous.”
Check what happened to the Russians after the Soviet Union fell and tell me it’s not hate to wish that on the Chinese next.
The USSR (Stalin mostly) broke the Russian people, which is why they’re so weak after its fall.
The CCP broke the Chinese people too. Seems like a common theme.
What does it mean to “break” a people?
The Chinese people were certainly already “broken” in 1949. They had undergone a century of collapse, most were illiterate, women were essentially chattel, and every single grain of wheat or rice more than what was required to keep them alive was stolen by unelected landlords.
The communists took power and every single one of them was taught to read, women were enfranchised, no-fault divorce and abortion were legalized, political rights were expanded, opium and gangs were chased out of the mainland and the feudal lords were held to account.
30 years after the revolution they had turned a society of feudal peasants into a nuclear power, 30 years after that and it’s the world’s largest economy by PPP.
The same things can be said about the Bolsheviks, who defeated a nazi army which sought to annihilate them.
“I’m not racist, nobody has a problem with Chinese people.”
“Also, the Chinese are wild animals that were broken and domesticated.”
Okay there, buckaroo. Keep telling yourself that.
Hahaha what the fuck
who broke you?
I’m not racist, but here’s my thoughts generalizing entire populations of millions as “weak people” because of their Asiatic brainpans.
And by every major polling organizations metrics the Chinese people overwhelmingly approve of the CPC.
Typical westoid wants to destroy a government that is liked by it’s people. What’s your countries government approval rating? Do you want to overthrow your government too?
I worked there for a good while.
They don’t hate it, they treat it like the weather, something to fear, but nothing you can do anything about.
The CCP broke them completely, much like the USSR broke the Russian people.
Tell us of the deep abiding wisdom you gained from teaching English at a barely-regulated “school” for 12 months.
Yeah man definitely no racism here