An old trick you could do on old physical fax machines was to tape a couple of sheets of black construction paper together, feed them into the machine and tape them into a loop. Dial your special person and burn through all their toner. Of course, now it would just generate a bunch of emails.
Black fax - such an effective remote physical attack that fax companies had to actually hard-code a defence against it, to not print pages where there would be enough ink or toner dispensed that it could damage the machine or be a fire hazard
An old trick you could do on old physical fax machines was to tape a couple of sheets of black construction paper together, feed them into the machine and tape them into a loop. Dial your special person and burn through all their toner. Of course, now it would just generate a bunch of emails.
Ahh, yes, the Infinifax™
I may have once pulled this with the Banana knock knock joke. Ran their machine out of paper.
Black fax - such an effective remote physical attack that fax companies had to actually hard-code a defence against it, to not print pages where there would be enough ink or toner dispensed that it could damage the machine or be a fire hazard