Use generative AI to replace the background of all photos. I’m sure someone will come up with an app that does this automatically one day
Use generative AI to replace the background of all photos. I’m sure someone will come up with an app that does this automatically one day
Not enough. Israel should be sanctioned and its entire government arrested.
You might say that term is a bit of a time warp.
I’ll admit just one thing to that list, “dry air”. It makes my nose dry and increases pressure in my head though the lingering possibility that I have a brain tumor flying under the radar hiding behind sinus congestion is always a possibility.
No way to know but I’d better eat an apple and pound a quart of water just to be sure. I’m sure I have some peanuts and raisins around here too and I should eat a whole head of broccoli just in case… If the head ache goes on past that I try a nap before I get fancy chemicals involved.
It’s weird cuz when I go to the site I don’t see anything like that as even an option.
I don’t see any option that says “need help signing in” and you have to type in your social security number before you even get to the page that has your phone number on it? What am I missing?
It’s like one third as much CO2 as a single container ship on the low end of container ship emissions and comparable to Facebook if you only count Facebook and not the metaverse, Instagram, Whatsapp or anything else Facebook owns and only if you believe the numbers published by Facebook.
The critical hit captured live on national television looked like a cutscene from a new fallout game.
Zucks passing dominates the new cycle for almost 10 minutes before the enthusiasm about a new fallout game completely overshadows him.
A few years later no one’s ever heard the name Zuckerberg outside of memes about that one oligarch who got melted by the space aliens shortly after first contact.
It turns out he’s the reason they came here, "You can’t let those things get established on your planet, clearly your people didn’t notice but that wasn’t a human. That creature was a mimic and it would have consumed you all if you let it. We’re going to station a few folks here in case another one shows up… and you got to clean this place up it’s a mess down here. "
Seems more like a live by the sword die by the sword kind of thing. Luigi absolutely should be arrested. Luigi should absolutely be prosecuted. A jury of his peers should absolutely give them a Westworld verdict, “doesn’t look like anything to me”.
I think that would send a powerful message that the rank and file American public is willing to guillotine a few CEOs if that’s what it takes to fix this problem.
I don’t care if his job was legal. I don’t care if The law is on his side. I just don’t care. The law allows people to deny care using an unthinking machine that can’t be held responsible all in the pursuit of keeping the money that was paid to the company to provide that care.
Nope, I’m sorry. If you want a recipe for how to be unpersoned, there you go. If we don’t call what soldiers do on the battlefield murder I’m going to have a tough time calling this murder.
If using violence to create fear to affect political change makes someone a terrorist, and we wish to apply that definition here, then there must first be examples made of the authority that wishes to impose such judgment. Authority without competence and oversight is just tyranny. The British called the minutemen barbarians, The United States calls its secret police undercover officers or plain clothes detectives. Word games like this start to fall apart when they face any serious scrutiny.
Either that definition of terrorism is overly broad and would include everything from the police in the United States to our “shock and awe” campaigns abroad. Either that or the difference is not that he “used violence to create fear to affect political change” but that his violence did not come as the official order of a government that is allowed to use violence to create fear to affect political change.
If they try this guy like a terrorist then the country should rightfully riot. The appropriate response would be rebellion on a grand scale.
Yet getting hernia corrected is $16,000. $900 barely pays the rent for a month anywhere in the country.
When the cost of living is so high the cost of dying needs to be levied on the ones responsible.
I hope people take to generally withholding human decency from these executives.
This can be an addition to whatever other more invasive measures people might have planned.
Instead of holding the door for one of them when you walk through, push the door back into their face and hold it there for a few seconds, Make eye contact like you’re looking at an unruly teenager literally covered in shit. It’s not illegal it’s just rude and upsetting.
Don’t put any condiments or napkins or anything like that into their to-go containers. If possible omit any packaging at all. Make them request each specific plastic fork and napkin, do your best to soil all of it.
If you recognize one of them in public, point and yell, “This person works for a death panel and helps ensure Americans die prematurely.”
Don’t refer to the most HMO CEOs or healthcare CEOs, just call them death panelists, or death panel CEO.
Of course I would never discourage violence against purveyors of human misery, but if you’re too explicitly willing to fight back in the ongoing class war you will be de-platformed and treated as if you are an actual terrorist.
If, on the other hand, you wanted to say that Brian Thompson should have gone on living and been allowed to kill as many people as the law would let him then you’re perfectly okay and standing on solid ground.
Using AI driven software is willful negligence. Software can’t take responsibility so the human operating it needs to take responsibility for the consequences of it. They took down the entire thing they need to face consequences. The hosting provider should also face consequences for overly broad responses to take down requests.
More like " if you are going to be a public nuisance, don’t be surprised when plucky adventurers show up to confront you."
Yes, of course he must be prosecuted if he can be found. As a member of the general population I feel as though it’s possible that a jury wouldn’t convict him and could even find him not guilty. Then he is a free man.
Until his identity is known I shall call him Attaboy Goodman, and if a jury were to convene with me on it, I would be unlikely to take seriously any claim by the state that this vigilantism is somehow more destructive of public order than police murdering and robbing people while ignoring wage theft and corporate crimes.
It’s the social media page of an HMO. There couldn’t possibly be a shred of humanity anywhere in this.
Hell I don’t even think it is organic enough to qualify as hollow bullshit.
Oh I recognize that guy, that’s Attaboy Goodman!
HoN was the superior dota successor.
Prohibitionists always keep a private supplier handy. This is particularly true when talking about rabid moralists… But I repeat myself.
Nothing of value was lost.