Trump is all but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of time, luck gooded
I have, 26bak. Must’ve been a nightly update
2008-2020, very high, me.
It’s not my problem if it’s also everyone else’s problem
Goes up and down
Sounds like making an avg citizen feel heard was the Trump card
Design is science, they fail and go back. Doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different outcome is the definition of insanity… Oh wait.
My keyboard and mouse speak French with my pc
But $999 is much lesser than a grand
I don’t know what’s Europe anymore… Isn’t germany in it?
It’s PR nightmare, but also comedy gold. We all know what they say about gold.
The logo gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment
I think that’s enough internet for today
Looks like we have an outsider here *cocks gun
An Nvidia GeForce 6200. It could run assassin’s creed, the first one.
Instructions unclear, this ketchup is burning my ass