I’d be interested in seeing an example or two if you have the time
I’d be interested in seeing an example or two if you have the time
T Mobile is expensive here, granted we’re probably not in the same country. It’s also usually cheaper for me to buy a phone and a separate sim/data subscription.
This one feels particularly guilty
Look at this guy mowing his grass
How often does this happen?
I’ll try out Typst. If it works well, I’ll definitely switch from LaTeX.
We have integrity changes all the time. Usually only game balance and new content is polled. This is fine, let the malders mald and they’ll forget in a week.
I want to see this meme format take off.
I dont know why I find this so funny.
Not familiar with your situation in Australia, but perhaps see if you can get some free legal advice.
Thank you for the comment. I heavily resonate with the last part. I don’t come to vegan communities online to be bombarded with non-vegans making the same terrible arguments, I have enough of that in real life. Leaving Lemmy seems like a more attractive option.
Hope you can give them to someone in need.
It should be abundantly clear that the comparison was with oat milk…
Did you just want to bingo falsehoods? Or did you want to provoke people into providing links for every claim? Either way, you succeeded I guess.
And contains more protein. Generally I’d say the best option, no clue why people are so hung up on oat specifically.
Kicking ducks must be your favorite hobby then!
I had to look up dental dams, TIL.
Firearm injury 2nd: how to know this is US data without it being labeled as US data.
Similar position. I also realize how lucky I’ve been in life in comparison to the less fortunate.
Thanks, this is the first time I’ve seen this explained!