No, i stand by my original statement. I said it would be “off by” as in the “error will be” so the difference is the important bit to calculate that. There are a lot of ways to correctly do the math though
Thank you for your service. It’s super important for every internet comment to contain every pedantic detail every time
Yes,you can use the tire size information to calculate the circumference of the stock and the new tires. The speedometer will be off by the same ratio as the difference in circumferences. If the new tires are already installed and you don’t like geometry, use your gps to check the accuracy of the speedo at a few speeds
The cops and YOUR boss. My boss kinda sucks but I think yours will take care of you if you just work hard
He’ll be charged with terrorism…right?
January 6th has entered the chat…and quietly left unnoticed.
Surprising, isn’t it?
Unfortunately, the justice system works very hard to make nullification seem like a non-option and to only select jurors that agree that it isn’t viable.
My dad said that one all the time. Little kid me thought it was a sick burn. Somewhere in my 20s it hit me that it’s actually more of a compliment
Which cis woman was traumatized in either of those articles?
Please provide a source to 1 instance in the history of the world where an abuser used cross-dressing as the primary way to gain access to his victims…we’ll wait.
Yes, people are scared of this. But, only bc GOP leaders tell them to be. It’s a made up fear that cannot be legitimized like you are trying to do
Sure, there’s some tough discussions to be had, but puberty blocker access is pretty damn straightforward to anyone who has actually researched it for 30 seconds or more. Plus, minor healthcare requires parental consent. Maybe some conversations are required. If they are, we better fucking defer to the parents in the meantime.
The agreement was you weren’t going to fact check
NAL, but i believe that they have to show intent in order to prosecute. As long as the legal system works properly, they would have to prove that you’re lying when you say “I forgot that was down there”
Tell me you don’t understand the bill of rights without mentioning the constitution
I agree that we’re talking milliseconds between the first crack and full implosion. Any cracks in carbon fiber will act as a stress concentrator which will cause more cracking in a rapid exponential process. There’s a reason everyone else doing this said you can’t use that material. Metal has some ductility so a very tiny crack normally won’t cascade like that instantly.
I’m too scared now to ask AI how many g’s there are in Niger?
They have previously said that the secret service agent fired at the suspect after seeing his gun
Only the ones that get fired and are no longer fbi-cops will actually learn that though