found the Nintendo 'saka ninja
Why are you here? Well, ok I guess you can stay :3
found the Nintendo 'saka ninja
I wish they hadn’t done away with the titan naming. the second the 90 skew was released the titan died, and I feel painting it as just another tier higher of a consumer grade card is disingenuous.
Drown in my ass
where do you plan to go to start that off after school?
port fwd support was unfortunately removed due to abuse
EMDR is a type of therapy
could just be the angle. If you look at it head on I’d wager it’s straight
Drybones for kart and Bowser for smash
yea, I’m that guy nobody likes to play with ;(
As someone else mentioned, the microtransactions existing put it in a bad light to start
My main issue however is just how UTTERLY UNPLAYABLE it was for most people’s systems on launch. The number of crashes and performance issues rivaled that of even Cyberpunk, and I still regularly play Cyberpunk. it was a complete and total disaster for many many people, and while it’s likely fixed by now it was such a struggle and headache to get through that I’ll likely never finish it.
I think they’ve tainted the name enough already, it’s a bit too late IMO
Yet another unfortunately botched Sequel to a fantastic and immersive first game
See If everyone just was able to give a clear and consice, non bullshittery and non-assholish answer like you, the world would be so much better. Thank you, legitimately.
Isn’t biden older though?
Edit: holy damn. wasnt criticizing or trying to point out ANYONE’s age, I really dgaf whos older or by how much in terms of election. I was just asking a simple question
My first three times reading this I finished the sentence as “paint my porch” and got so confused. I am slow.
Google having their own proprietary crap embedded in their version doesnt make AOSP not FOSS.
Thats the entirety of the basis for things like GrapheneOS, despite Google gobbling it up.
Not just an app, but honestly I get all of this and more out of my nextcloud instance. There are mindmap plugins you can download as well as good task support that’s well integrated with however many separate Calender’s you want, etc. Its great!
The only downside is that on the mobile side of things you end up with a whole bunch of apps to sync and interface with the instance (nextcloud, etar,, nextcloud notes etc)
You said youve tried experimental and normal proton but have you tried protonGE?
Plastering it all over social media, I guess.
But honestly the word “quietly” being anywhere in any article’s title or anything has become the biggest red flag for just click baiting the piss out of something. I almost always take the title and throw it out the window after I see quietly in any title.
Damn. I hope they just keep chugging along despite this, the game has improved massively since early access and it’s very good.
Where’d you buy this brand of bait?
It’s in the releases page. Looks like the latest version is