Is he playing it or paying someone to play it.
Is he playing it or paying someone to play it.
And an officer saying an enlisted has stolen valor won’t help either.
Can someone please lift the interesting curse. Can we have boring back?
I can’t remember who (i think it was obama) but I thought the government got rid of that cuban wet foot dry foot program.
You can get some pretty cheap used ones. At less than $2 each.
That’s basically the premise of horizon zero dawn.
Probably the era of Peron and Pernismo.
Right one fuck is pg-13, R is 2 or more.
He’s a white hooded judge. Of course he’s comfortable.
Isn’t he also taking a lower rate than what he normally charges also ?
IIRC they eventually got everything or mostly everything they wanted.
Trying to overthrow the government will do that. He’s lucky (for now) not to be in jail.
Funny how they never go after the white gang member whom are actually terrorists.
Welders and other tradesmen too. I met a guy from the NRC that said that there were few if any welders certified and knowledgeable enough to work on reactor construction. And this was 15 yrs ago.
It’s even worse the IG thatbwas over it said that we probably lost 500 billion that we will never know where it went.
It’s what fascists do. Franco did it, Hitler, Pinochet, etc. anything that can be perceived as subversive must be taken care of.
Not to mention they and their policies are trash.
Yet those people were smarter than his supporters. they saw someone smart and decided to put him in power.
Isn’t EVE also played in excel?