Here’s my cat tax
Here’s my cat tax
Bruh this is just an AD
According ti a quick internet search:
That’s literally me, that’s who you made fun of.
Do you feel bed yet?
Ah, you’re right I was thinking about the pre packaged one, now all the people telling me they have found multiple bugs in their lettuce makes sense considering I would probably expect to find small bugs and dirt in a whole head of lettuce
I don’t think that salad bought in a store should have bugs and dirt on it, if you find them in your sink when you wash it you should change supermarket
EDIT: My bad, I was thinking about pre packaged salad, not like a whole head of lettuce, OP is correct and OOP should wash their lettuce better
Look up “ShadPS4 bloodborne” It’s an emulator for the ps4 (obviously) and the developers are basically speedrunning to get it to run bloodborne at 60fps. Right now it requires a beefy PC and has some minorgraphical issues, but considering that a month ago it was unplayable I have high hopes
In the traditional problem, the man tied to the tracks has no input in the final result, they are just a passive piece of the problem, we can assume what their thinking is and that it is how I rationalized my solution: I would expect the lever to be pulled if I was tied to the tracks and so I pull it myself knowing I would not blame the one pulling the lever for my death.
But in this scenario the man has the ability to act for himself: he can decide to jump. I would never expect him to do so (actually I would never expect 99% of people to pull the lever if they were to die themselves) because that is an action that goes too much against all of our instincts and by pushing them I would, in my opinion, commit a murder.
If I was the fat man I would not jump, and if I was pushed I would absolutely blame the one doing it for my death.
You could think that killing 1 to save 5 is the better outcome, but who decide that 1 human is less worth than those 5? It’s just the numbers? Then you could argue that between fighting WWII and submitting to the Nazi the better outcome would have been to not fight them because the people that died in camps were less then the victims of the war. Of course that’s an overblown example, but it show why I’m extremely uncomfortable with pushing the fat man: imposing your will on someone who has the ability to act is almost never the answer
Absolutely, it would still be an horrible experience
I happily live with myself. The death is on the hands of whomever tied those people to the tracks.
Yes, I pulled the lever and by so chose who lived and who died, but if I was that person alone on the tracks I wouldn’t blame the one pulling the lever, I believe it was the lesser of two evil. I would still be fucking pissed, but at the one who tied me there, not the person forced to choose.
Having the same opinion of some mainstream entities is not inherently bad, as long as you don’t blindly agree on anything.
The important part is thinking critically for yourself, otherwise you are either someone who follows propaganda/ disinformation too blindly or you go too far the other way and become a conspiracy theorists and start believing antivaxxer bullshit just because you believe the opposite of anything mainstream media says
I cannot decide if this is a genually bad AD, an ironic post or someone with a VERY different sense of humour from mine, for now I have decided AD.
Genuine question, why peope don’t want a patriarchal society but wish for a matriarchal one? Isn’t it better to just have equality between all genders?
Don’t get me wrong, I also don’t want a patriarchal society and I understand what are the problems with it, but I never understood the desire to have a “main” gender
I don’t think you are being very fair about the coverage of wester media about China, we constantly hear about how the Chinese government is oppressive and evil and oppress minorities and all the fucked up things they do.
Also, you are saying that the government manage to censor everything so effectively? any post in all social media? If so, why then we know about all the other shit they are up to, if the censorship is that good? He shows some video with audio in his reports, why don’t post his unedited footage of them as proof? Then other can listen to it and confirm that the subtitles he puts on them while talking over the them are genuine and not complete fabrications, his “reports” are not censored, so I can’t se why he can’t post them.
Also in this very thread we have seen how he portrays the Falun Gong, basically Asian Scientology, a cult which venerate it’s leader as a deity, is anti gay, anti feminism, believes that every race was created by a different god and so there should be racial segregation and that claims that modern medicine is evil, as a (and I quote this video at 00:16) “Falun Gong is a meditation practice that started in 1992 in China. At the core of the Falun Gong are values of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance.” without saying anything else about them.
Is this someone trustworthy? At the very least he manipulate the truth, and at worst is a propagandist for a very evil Cult
Hey I just found out that that guy is very much probably a paid propagandists, I don’t have any direct sources to prove it but I can point to this video on why I think it is the case:
This is just the part 2, if you want the part 1 here it is
As somebody else said in the thread, the group was once affiliated with the CCP but they grew in popularity too much and started to pose an actual threat to the state and because of that the persecution started.
Also they have infiltrated a lot of organization, I’ve looked at other Wikipedia article and I found bizarre that there was no mention of their extremist practices and so I went back to the main article and I found that they managed to censor other Wikipedia pages:
"According to scholar James R. Lewis writing in 2018, Falun Gong adherents have attempted to control English Wikipedia articles covering the group and articles related to it. Lewis highlights Falun Gong’s extensive internet presence, and how editors who have to date contributed to English Wikipedia entries associated with Falun Gong to the point where “Falun Gong followers and/or sympathizers de facto control the relevant pages on Wikipedia”, and how this is particularly important for Falun Gong as an organization due to the search engine optimization results of these entries, and how the entries can influence other media entities. Lewis notes also how this fits in as part of Falun Gong’s general media strategy, such as Falun Gong media like The Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty, Sound of Hope Radio, and, as Lewis discusses, the Rachlin media group. Lewis reports that the Rachlin media group is the Falun Gong’s de facto PR firm operated by Gail Rachlin, spokesperson for the Falun Dafa Information Centre. Lewis says that Amnesty International does not independently verify its reports from Falun Gong groups, accepting material directly from Falun Gong organizations as fact. According to Lewis, “[Falun Gong] has thus been able to influence other media via its presence on the web, through its direct press releases, and through its own media.”
And even on my native language Wikipedia article about then nothing is stated about the practices.
They feel a lot like Scientology, but it’s scarier because nobody know about them, and that let’s them get away with a lot more shit.
This video is a good example of what they are about
And here’s the person who know their shit.
From the 15 minutes on the toilet-grade research that I’ve done I got the feeling it was a Scientology kind of cult, but I had no idea that they were once affiliated with the CCP.
But now I have looked a bit deeper into them and holy shit they are so much worse then I though. They are so much similar to Scientology in level of infiltration and disinformation about their practices it’s a bit scary.
I have no beef with them, i didn’t even knew they existed before today, but any group that is against all of the aforementioned groups (which I personally am a part of a lot of them) is just a terrible group, not differently then many religious or political extremist groups. Also, as it states in the next paragraph of the Wikipedia article they are connected with far right politician and Qanon, which doesn’t gat any positive opinions from me.
The reason for why they are persecuted (in my 5 minutes Wikipedia search opinion) is not because they are special in any way, if not that they are kinda popular, it’s that (like many other political groups, and not only the more extreme ones) the CCP doesn’t like them, also the fact that they are against the CCP itself, as it is stated in the Wikipedia article probably is a huge factor.
For my claims in the thread about what terrible cult is the Falon Gong
The first paragraph after the alternative names and transcriptions chart says:
“Led by Li Hongzhi, who is viewed by adherents as a deity-like figure, Falun Gong practitioners operate a variety of organizations in the United States and elsewhere, including the dance troupe Shen Yun.[14][15] They are known for their opposition to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), espousing anti-evolutionary views, opposition to homosexuality and feminism, and rejection of modern medicine, among other views described as “ultra-conservative”.[23][24]”
For the quote I cite from David Zhang’s video you can see it here: At 00:16 seconds
I can’t source the claims I have made about Alex Jones because I heard them from the podcast “knowledge fight” around the 70/71 episode and I have no idea how to look for the actual video of Alex saying that
This is just and AD