I saw my first Praying Mantis yesterday.
hello world
I saw my first Praying Mantis yesterday.
Give CopyQ a try. Open source, cross platform clipboard manager with tons of features.
One example option is being able to only ever paste plain text. It also has lots of programming hooks, I have a few for doing things like converting a line-feed delimited list into one delimited by commas and quoting the values.
What do think is the book’s message?
We have the Brother HL-L3230CDW and are happy with it. Works fine with inexpensive toner cartridges from Amazon.
Canada, awful wild fires last summer.
That just refers to the source code. How instances operate is a separate thing.
Never. Bluetooth headphones and connectivity in the car.
I was wondering the same way with Sync. Sticking with Connect.
Nope, not that fancy.
Thanks! He’s liking it so far so I likely will add a few extra cars. It was the first thing he pulled out this morning so I was pretty chuffed.
Maybe a flat car for hauling his other toys.
Between centers on the lathe. I first cut out a bunch of thin squares on the bandsaw.
I just wanted to ease the corners should we step on it at night 😊
Why does the drawer front cover the legs?
I have the Wood River model, and kinda regret that it’s from China. Especially for the price!
I’d go with a 5-1/2 instead of a 5. Its longer length suits it to larger jobs so you might as well take a wider shaving.
I use a 5-1/2 for similar flattening jobs and have never wished for it to be more narrow.
What happened /r/wicked_edge? It used to be the big wetshaving sub.
I’d try spray-on lacquer.
My guess is that the alcohol rehydrated the cells, causing them to expand and then shrink back. This might have introduced just enough stress for them to split.
I’d be interested in a separate post on your jig!
Very weird, this guy seems to have moved into our garage. Just saw it again!