Is the ‘%MARKDOWN’ part of your example correct? That should also be converted to a dash? Or did you forget the 20 there?
Is the ‘%MARKDOWN’ part of your example correct? That should also be converted to a dash? Or did you forget the 20 there?
ask deepseek to summarize the video and post the text result here
The picture is perfectly ironic.
Even if it was not meant this way it can be interpreted as: an idealist preaching his philosophy to somebody who actually gets real work done.
(there is probably also a joke about the patriarchy and mansplaining in there somewhere)
I code in silence.
But when I listen to music I REEEEAALLYYYYY L I S T E N. Stuff like Tool, Coin Locker Kid, Kaoru Abe - and I find it impossible to concentrate on code while those play, they mentally drag me in.
You forgot a small detail.
Afaik you can not change repo visibility this way (without using the web UI or the GraphQL API). So if the goal is to avoid the web UI you’d have to add a step (which you can read up on in the script I shared).
Same for the repo description (but maybe there is a git native way, idk).
Great write up otherwise, thank you!
I would have known that if I had the attention span to read all that text from OP
I don’t navigate the site at all.
I just use the commandline to push commits to repos.
For creating a new repo on I have written a script that uses the GraphQL API (which is horribly documented in my opinion and required days of trial and error). It is not meant for general users and is specific to my needs, but anyone who is interesred can find it linked below.
If you want to use it, you have to run git init and do a commit first. Everything else should be explained in the help. The script does some other stuff that I wanted when migrating all my projects from github, which you should be able to easily modify.
GrayJay works fine for me
All your data and traffic passes through various routers and servers (both of which are computers and have memory) while you do anything on the internet (You can find the list of such computers by doing a traceroute). But because it is end to end encrypted - you don’t care.
It’s transient.
You can selfhost PairDrop though. Including the signaling and turn server. It’s open source.
The file does not get uploaded to remote servers. It passes through them, fully encrypted, and the server does not have the keys to decrypt your files.
What’s so bad about servers?
Both are open source.
The signaling server just sees the IPs of your devices and matches them by roomID.
The turn server sees only locally encrypted files and your IPs (and it is used only IF you are behind a NAT).
As far as I see, there is no way for anything bad happening, but I am happy to learn if you know something. If you need it for a proof, I’d gladly give you some of my IPs and encrypted files - see what you can do with them.
Here is a nice video that gives you an easy to grasp intuition about durations of different operations and access of components of a computer (Cache vs RAM vs SSD vs HDD etc.)
I find it illustrates well why a fester drive or even faster RAM (unless there is a different bottleneck) would give you a more noticable performance uplift than a different Kernel.
Sorry, it’s been a while since I did the install, what I meant is the default config of:
I usually run the default arch zram config which is 50% of the RAM. For your case I’d go with 2 or 3 GB
If you like TUI you might find this useful:
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