It’s because once chips are made in USA, China will be able to invade Taïwan and Trump will not care at all.
France Canada
It’s because once chips are made in USA, China will be able to invade Taïwan and Trump will not care at all.
This guy can fuck off, and he can buy his lumber or energy elsewhere if he wants
When I had big desktop and all, it was running for days/months. Now, I have a miniPC and I start it up Monday morning and shut if down Friday afternoon.
But… does Trump will re-put it on this list next week?
have you tried strawberry ?
maybe 4000% yep or 40000 ?
Yes, but companies use tap water from water treatment plant, it cost $$$ to run all those.
Company pay ~$1 for 1000L of water, to fill Aquafina plastic bottles or whatever, and sell the 500mL bottle for like $2, something like 400% profit
Mx has a built-in app for this
Aren’t Putin and Musk buddy-buddy always exchanging phone calls?
US companies does the same elsewhere, for instance Coca Cola or PepsiCo or others comes to Québec to take billions of gallons of tapwater (it’s basically free) and sell it in the world.
MX Linux, it’s Debian based but always updated with latest packages day to day. With Xfce, it just works, no fancy DE, no snap, no flatpak, just good old .deb
I mostly compile, it goes up to 20-24GB of RAM used, rest is cache, swap may get a few MB if I compile in debug, but that’s it…
Strange, I also have 32GB of RAM, my swapiness is 15, and my swap is always at 0 bytes used…
Trump’s dream I guess? Oh no, true, once the 25% tarif will be imposed to Canada and Mexico, magically all the meth and drug dealers/makers in USA will disappear!
Always been weird, this is why for instance my ll alias is:
alias ll='LC_COLLATE=C ls -alFh'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
Using it for months/years and never had a problem with it, AMD/Radeon here
I’d try MX 23 AHS version too. And use kernel 6.10 as 6.11 has suspend/resume problem, especially with mediatek wifi card.
I have a mediatek wifi card and need to unload it when suspend.
What wifi card do you have?
Say the guy who had his Saudi brother, Jamal, killed, dismembered, and dissolved in acid.
I’m using MX Linux AHS on my PC for years, it is my work PC, 40h/week, for 3 years now, 0 problem with it, no systemd, no flatpak, no snap, and using Xfce is so nice :)
It is debian based and always up to date for firefox etc. For instance we are January 30th, my kernel is 3 days old.