The number of people that defend this obvious design flaw/slight is incredible.
The number of people that defend this obvious design flaw/slight is incredible.
Reading comments, then wishing I hadn’t. Then checking all for new fun communities/content.
RIP Eyedea.
Like a shitty RATM trained AI
Pretty sure it’s a rant against “the algorithm”…?
Just start using the pantone of the sequel. Looking forward to Persona 350,personally
Fair. Worded poorly. Edited to reflect me.
Too real. Pass.
I play dungeons and dragons to escape a bit of reality, and explore the magical and fantastical side of ourselves. Not think about crack houses and depression.
Edit: changed You to I
An age old practice. War is most profitable for private organizations.
Right? How am I supposed to judge someone’s groceries (the real reason we’re here) if it’s G’s all the way down?!
Understood. Thanks for the follow up
Oh! Good to know. Thanks!
Hmm. I don’t like the waiting. I have about 1.5hrs of playtime before I can get it refunded with ease. I’ll just see what state it’s in next weekend and refund if it’s still iffy.
So glad there’s a… Work around…? They got 1 week before I refund I guess.
Game won’t even launch for me. Just a black screen. Maybe this will fix it? otherwise I’m enjoying the Starship Troopers game, in its stead.
I’m a mile from there. It was a very surreal morning.
Cause Snakes are too expensive these days.
Sooo… Short reddit and make billions? I only know what I learned from stonks back in the hayday
Hah, jokes on you. I’m a DUMBass. :p
The US is probably a much bigger market. I imagine it’s the same reason LG is English alphabet and not Hangul. Same with Kia, Hyundai, Samsung, etc.
But this is mere speculation. I could be 100% wrong, happens daily!