Hate to burst your bubble but plenty of doctors are out there that still believe this shit. I hate that I’ve seen it first hand, but they exist and they are far greater in number than you would like to know.
Hate to burst your bubble but plenty of doctors are out there that still believe this shit. I hate that I’ve seen it first hand, but they exist and they are far greater in number than you would like to know.
Out of curiosity, if you need to ride share on Uber or Lyft and the driver has a Tesla would you continually cancel until it was a different vehicle? Im not trying to be snarky.
The windows are laminated I believe, so they won’t shatter. It’s unfortunately quite common in many modern vehicles now. It used to be just the front windshield.
The second scenario could be a little more muddy. You may be saving electricity by keeping the fridge closed and preventing the condenser from having to run as often. Mileage may vary by fridge snack checks and insulation, but it at least could be a potential power saver in theory.
I don’t know if you watch boxing regularly or not, but that match wasn’t close. Tyson won the first 2 rounds because he had enough energy to land a couple of good shots due to experience, but when he ran out of steam Jake just toyed with him until it went 8. Jake could have absolutely gotten a few knockdowns, but chose not to.
I say that having absolutely zero respect for the Paul brothers. They’re both class A douchebags. Logan more than Paul in my opinion because of the suicide forest incident, but Jake won this fight unanimously and relatively easily.
I bet she still gets executed despite the proceeding judge’s opinion. It happened already in Missouri this year. The prosecuting attorney hit a potential juror during the jury selection because he was a young black male. There was contamination of evidence. The governor overturned the previous governors stay of execution. And in the end an innocent man was executed anyway.
You claimed that you would be the last to defend him, then defended him? Like what?
Being in your thirties and having sex with someone nearly half your age is wildly inappropriate. There’s so little that you would have in common as far as life experiences go. The years from 18-25 are some of the most influential in life and leaves people vulnerable to grooming. Experts claim that the brain hasn’t even fully developed in most adults until 25 years old. Finding people in that age attractive as a 35 year old is fine. Watch porn to your hearts content, but pursuing a relationship or sexual encounter with someone in early adulthood is just weird. It doesn’t need to be illegal to be fucking weird or predatory. In Gaetz’s case it just so happens to be all three.
“We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions-bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and equality. Whoever seeks to set one nationality against another, seeks to degrade all nationalities.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Probably made for a good day at work. I know I wouldn’t mind if I knew it was a neo-nazi
Probably made for a good day at work. I know I wouldn’t mind if I knew it was a neo-nazi
If we don’t ever get to see the families of Sandy Hook take his money, I would at the very least hope to see Alex Jones incarcerated with no ability to reach a public audience. That’s not all though. His only source of news should be restricted to daily governmental briefings on what democratic elected officials are doing and left-leaning news organizations coverage. One more thing. We give him a recording session of 1 hour every month so everyone gets their dose of schadenfreud.
Evolutionarily speaking: If cooperation did not give advantages, why the fuck did we become a social species? Going for anti-cooperative strategies only ever makes sense in zero-sum games and practically nothing in life is.
In game theory cooperation does give advantages.
Both co-op: +1/+1 Both defect: 0/0 Defect/co-op: +3/0
That’s just one interaction. When you expand the experiment, predictability becomes a positive trait and risk is avoided. So by more often choosing cooperation, you become more predictable, avoid the risk of not gaining any points through mutual defection, and more people are likely to interact with you. More interactions=higher potential for points. When you adjust the rules of the game to not define a set number of interactions with each player and you can choose the frequency of interactions with bad reputation players, cooperating is naturally selected for. Conversely, as the pool gets collectively nicer, defection will net more benefits and the pendulum will start to slowly swing the other way.
I’ll ignore the first half of this reply because we won’t agree. Not every choice is a conscious decision in my eyes, but the vast majority are.
As for the second half, believing that bad actors would be weeded out based on the principle of free will is naive. Consider game theory. Two people have something to gain from cooperation, but more to gain from defecting. Meanwhile, the other gains nothing or very little. That simple thought experiment incentivizes bad actions from time to time. You have more to gain by acting selfishly.
Now blow up the experiment. You vs the world and reputation is introduced. Someone with a perfect cooperation rate is flawed. They offer nothing but blind trust and can be taken advantage of. The opposite also displayed. Someone who makes selfish decisions all the time offers nothing but blind distrust. You’re left to choose which people to interact with that are somewhere along the middle of the reputation gradient. Those that are 70% or lower seem unpredictable or untrustworthy so many choose to interact with people on the higher end of the reputation spectrum when available and reflect that in their own decision making. You can’t always choose who to interact with, so eventually you’ll have to interact with a bad actor. You’ll get burned by making a cooperative choice and they will benefit from it. In turn, ensuring that they will survive natural selection.
I can only speak for my own beliefs. I don’t believe in an omnipotent god. I believe that god holds dominion over the heavenly afterlife and that is all. The universe was created by pushing over the first domino, two atoms collided, and now life exists. It’s up to us to use the gift of life as fully and morally as possible. To leave the world a better place than when you first arrived. I don’t think that we are some pet project for a God that can change everything on a whim.
Catholicism teaches that God is all forgiving and loves unconditionally. For as many flaws as the Catholic Church has or has had, they’ve generally been the Christian denomination that’s preached forgiveness the most to my knowledge. Maybe I’m wrong.
And I was talking about my beliefs growing up in the Catholic Church not Catholicism as a whole.
I don’t believe in a spiteful god, but sure man, go off I guess.
Can’t speak for everyone. But for myself, the world and humanity was created with free will and it’s up to us to choose good vs evil. God only has dominion over the heavenly afterlife and the hellish afterlife is forced to exist on the principle of yin and yang. There can be no good without evil.
For context I consider myself agnostic but was born roman Catholic and base my morals on the teachings that everyone was created equal and forgiveness should be shown to those that can be helped. Forgiveness isn’t a requirement in the cases that someone willingly chooses evil in the face of morality over and over. (Putin, Hitler, Trump, Netanyahu, serial violent criminals, etc.)
Lawnmowers only take about 16oz of oil and you can buy 5qts(160oz) for $23 here in the states. So that $23 would last 10 years of oil changes if you replace it once per season like I did.
Not sure what that would cost you in Europe. So maybe that’s where the disconnect is.
How often were you changing the oil in your mower? I own an electric lawnmower now, but before that I just changed the oil once at the beginning of each mowing season.
The Onion is buying it to kill it. They won’t want to recklessly spend a good chunk of their valued worth just to cut off the head of a hydra. Even if it’s better for the family’s true intentions of silencing Jones.