Found her twitter, but the post seems to have only been on bluesky. All well. I tried. I’m sure there will be plenty of articles on this.
Let go and let entropy. 🌌
Found her twitter, but the post seems to have only been on bluesky. All well. I tried. I’m sure there will be plenty of articles on this.
I just want to read her response to ask this and I can’t seem to get to it. This article and another from the guardian doesn’t even go to the referenced story.
Then I found a website that quotes her “pee in peace” comment and when I click on that link, which theoretically goes to her blue sky account, it says the post is deleted.
So then I remind the post specific information from the URL so it’ll go directly to, what I presume to be, her blue sky account people. (It’s literally the first time I’ve ever clicked a link that goes to Blue sky, so I’m not 100% sure that the URL is correct.) it seems correct though because now it says her account is suspended.
She must be scary as hell since every path I take to try to get information on this keeps getting blocked.
Still incredible, I think. Consider all the resources of various institutions and corporations which are not used in such a way. If only more did similar.
Perhaps I read too many stories where humans are past this kind of bigotry. I hope so much for such a time—some day. But living amidst the constant hate and bigotry… it hurts so much. It’s so very tiring. introduces bill to bar trans bigots from the Capitol
That’s a lot of money…
My goodness. You’re going to break the children! It’s not their fault that the adults are all idiots! Haha!
/me eagerly raises hand
“Ooooh oooh! Mrs. So-and-so! Tell us more child appropriate passages like Ezekiel 23:20! It says, ‘There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.’”
There are a lot of layoffs by a lot of companies that make me sick. Those companies are a blight to humanity. The way they consume the human soul for their own gain is disgusting.
This layoff is different. I really respect the AP and what they do. This article doesn’t give a lot of detail and I don’t know anything of the inner workings of the AP. Of course they need to remain profitable. I understand that, sometimes, layoffs are unavoidable. I’d like to hope that whatever the driving forces are for the layoff are not in-kind with what we see with mega businesses. I hope they do better by their people. It seems they are taking more and better steps already that i don’t see other companies do. Regardless though, this makes me sad.
I wish the best to all those affected and hope they are able to get back on their feet soon.
Photography can be a funny thing like that. 😁
If only they knew they could use “Threads” ad-free.
Please fight hard. Please win hard.
Really is gorgeous. That glass though. Can’t imagine how they keep each side clean.
Well well. Wasn’t that a fun read. Good effing grief.
Identity is a construct. Identify however you wish to be identified. You will be judged by and perceived as the identity people inevitably assign to you, regardless of how you self identify. Hopefully it matches. Maybe it won’t.
Mostly, just try to be okay with yourself. Be a decent human and people will generally be okay with you.
Ah yes. This.
It does something for the victim and I think it could affect the department. But I understand what you’re saying.
I never hear of officers being sued though. I wonder if they are protected somehow.
Here’s a website countdown:
I think I need to put a widget on my phone. 😏
I’m a “discord admin” too! Nuts!
A fake account? What the hell is wrong with people?