Last time I checked, that’s just called polyamory. The thing where they don’t know is called cheating. We don’t need a qualifier pushing a conservative narrative of what love is.
Last time I checked, that’s just called polyamory. The thing where they don’t know is called cheating. We don’t need a qualifier pushing a conservative narrative of what love is.
I don’t have TikTok, but if you do, isn’t this easily verifiable? Just go try searching one of the relevant terms.
Eh, I suspect most of those Russia/China fascism lovers posing as “leftists” are mid-30s white dudes, and as a mid 30s white dude, my grandmother was alive during WWII.
The options remain the same, though.
This is so much more reason that these tankies deserve tbh. I appreciate you taking the time to put it into words.
These people should actually try talking to foreigners, students and immigrants. The picture Ukrainian refugees and Taiwanese students paint is a lot less forgiving than the completely unsubstantiated, pseudo-intellectuslist “but that’s CIA propaganda” arguments these authoritarian “leftists” like to throw around. I’m sure such first-hand accounts would be as readily dismissed, mind you, because the goal is clearly not to have an honest discussion to begin with.
What conclusion are you proposing that I came to? My only statement was that denying Western media in favor of Eastern media is not “leftist.” Everything else you and Dessalines have attempted to drag into this discussion is creating either a false dichotomy or a strawman, in some cases both. The options are not “either you listen to PoC or you listen to Western Media,” because not all Western Media nor people of colour agree on every position. Whatever imaginary propaganda you are creating about the State suggesting that China is torturing minorities this minute is not something I have experienced, nor referenced. We have not presented the arguments that you are trying to deconstruct.
You are boxing with shadows, throwing fists with invisible monsters in the dark. I’m not sure if it’s our of poor reading comprehension, poor critical thinking skills, or intentional dishonesty, but there’s clearly a bias here that is useless to engage with.
So instead, we should trust… The other ogliarchic and blatantly fascist empires?
Call me crazy, but I don’t think unapologetic fascism is “leftist.”
Either that or engaging with such incredible lies is a waste of time. But hey, they said something you don’t like, so “red lib.”
If I can, and it’s clean, I always prefer to sit down to piss. I just want a break, man. Leave me alone for 5.
I’m not talking about weed, though. It’s been traditionally over policed but that doesn’t mean we should stop policing all drugs. There’s hardly any sense in saying that severely addictive drugs with visible negative effects on the human body should be sold for recreational use for profit. The majority of opiods are a good example of this.
But more to the point, giving moral purchase to profit justifies the abuse of the consumer. I can’t say for certain whether the TikTok ban is government overreach, as I’m not knowledgeable enough on the topic to speak with any authority, but “it makes money, so it’s fine” really shouldn’t be the end of the conversation.
A platform should be allowed to function if it can. If it’s horribly made, or supremely unprofitable it’ll find its own way out.
I mean, this doesn’t allow for any form of ethical analysis, though. Should every drug be legalized? How about gambling?
I’m not saying I am for the TikTok ban persay, but if the only conditionals for whether a product or service should exist are “is it ‘well made’ and does it make money,” we are setting ourselves up to achieve a corporate dystopia rather quickly.
They government should consider what parts of TikTok make it not okay, and target those forms and functions with well reasoned laws. Unfortunately, as you said, I suspect they’ll target things that are good and users like, while pretending that the issue is entirely about one small portion of the complete law. Ie, stress that the issue is one of security, and then write a law saying that all social media in the US must be willing to submit it’s data to the American government. (To be clear, I have no idea what the actual law they wrote is, but this is the kind of shit I expect them to get up to )
Hi-Fi Rush.
I was so distraught when the studio was closed despite selling extremely well and working on a sequel. I am beyond excited now that the studio has been picked up by Zenimax Krafton. There’s no confirmation, but you don’t go from planning a sequel to a breakout hit, to being closed down, to being picked up by another parent company just to scrap said sequel.
EDIT: Fixed the company buy-up. Forgot the order of things.
The things I care about have been getting stripped away every game, and they’re selling more copies than ever. I suspect the next mainline game will be the first time since the Gold/Silver remakes that I actively choose to not buy a mainline Pokemon game.
Legends, on the other hand…
I don’t always find time to proofread when I am sitting on the toilet, trying to finish my thought and get back to my life. Nor do I concern myself with my old posts enough to go backwards over them later.
When I see them, I fix them, but the time and energy necessary to correctly proofread my posts just… Isn’t worth it. We misspeak in real life all the time. We correct ourselves when we can and move on when we can’t. It just isn’t a big deal.
This is not the “same viewpoint Luigi holds.” The Canadian and British examples are grossly exaggerated to the point of being a bad faith argument, which leads me to suspect the US one might be as well.
Lying about the problem doesn’t aid the cause; it harms it.
Man, calling this a snub is a misnomer to begin with.
One winner and five nominee’s. Let’s not downplay being in the top 6 nominations for “best game of the year” as “losing.” It’s an incredible achievement no matter how you look at it.
Try this argument again when a grade school bully has the power and privilege of a health care CEO who makes ~10 Million USD a year off of the suffering of millions.
Your best bet is to be in a lot of instances. My experiences so far is that basically any singular instance has its bias’, and while some unapologetically ban users for disagreeing with them, the ones that don’t still down vote for disagreeing with them.
While one of these forms of censorship is worse than the other, it’s all censorship, and the only way to see a variety of views is to stay in the varying instances.