Harris is showing within the margin of error for polls nationally
What we really want to do is look at her chances of winning each state to see the probable delegate total but it’s WAY too early to tell and either way we shouldn’t get complacent
Harris is showing within the margin of error for polls nationally
What we really want to do is look at her chances of winning each state to see the probable delegate total but it’s WAY too early to tell and either way we shouldn’t get complacent
I think the dude in the pic is trans masc
Congrats on your son! I’m sure your support is going to help them tremendously as they discover themselves
Low quality information is easier to produce than high quality information
Even worse, while people prefer high quality information, the preference is weaker than other preferences, such as the desire to see things that are cute or make you angry
Pirates of the Burning Sea
Never heard of it, either
Two things
There’s a lot of political hobbyism on social media in general and Lemmy is really bad for it. Take for example the constant Elon Musk rage bait. No one is doing anything productive with that information. They’re just getting mad
We treat politics like entertainment and it’s making our politics worse. Personally I try to limit my exposure to politics that I don’t think will be productive. It might feel like the most important thing in the moment but it’s often a huge waste of time
I can’t find any evidence that they were founded by her but she did help found the climate action fund which has donated a large amount of money to them as well as Extinction Rebellion
I think she’s probably genuine but that’s also besides the point. Whether she has alternative motives or not all that really matters is whether the activism is helping or hurting
If this plays like wish it means you have to put the blue eyes white dragon in your sideboard in order to play it during competitive play
Of course this card would be allowed in competitive play but I think the idea of putting a blue eyes white dragon in your sideboard is very funny
Skincancer.org is my source for darker colors being better protection
I don’t have the highest degree of confidence in it but it makes sense to me that absorption matters more than reflection because a lot of the reflected UV will be going through the shirt and onto your skin
That’s why materials like linen aren’t as good for UV protection. They’re light weaves and let a lot of light through, still
Tradeoff is dark colors absorb more UV so it provides better protection from the sun
Probably could make a board on another sheet with a formula that points to the opposite side of the board
Now that’s what I call ally-ship
Spotify doesn’t count it as a steam if you turn it off before 30 seconds
What if I told you that you aren’t paying for the drinks but you’re renting the table/bar stool
It has the feature built in. You can get one for about $50 and it works well
Is lack of after even the problem? Water is heavy. I bet transporting that much water is a problem all on is own
I’ve heard that’s the plan. They’re dedicating an hour to the presidential candidates. If only one shows up then that candidate gets the whole hour