Super Mario Odyssey. It’s mostly extremely fun, controls well, with only occasional camera angles and poor checkpointing infuriation lighting its copybook.
Super Mario Odyssey. It’s mostly extremely fun, controls well, with only occasional camera angles and poor checkpointing infuriation lighting its copybook.
I love this video. The escalating insanity is wonderful. I once got the Harder Drives music stuck in my head for about 2 days straight.
Q is going to go public with it any day now, just you wait.
First two episodes are absolutely superb. Brilliant hook.
Immediately thought of this image.
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/devildjmachine/art/Deus-Ex-Human-Revolutions-Adam-Jensen-276354548
That’s like getting kicked out of the KKK for being too racist.
It crashed into a missile that was just looking at a cathedral.
Disastrous space-leader or disastrous-space leader?
I had no idea about that at all - very clever!
The way you’ve shared a link to the settings is really cool - how did you do that? Manually create the links? Or something simpler?
Sometimes I well up just thinking about it, let alone listening to it. Wonderful.
Even if you could prove it, it would still go badly in a lot of places in a lot of times.
Her head is on his left shoulder, if that helps it pop into place for you.
Oh, it’s not even not-a-joke in the way I thought. 🤣 Don’t mind me, I’ll just turn and face the wall for a bit…
Edit: OK, that’s a great gif!
I initially thought this was a gag on how people having their photo taken back the had to sit still for a long time…
But no, just jpg…
If the Democrats are like a flood of sewage that comes unbidden into your home, the Republicans are like you constructed a sluice specifically to pipe it in.
I love this film, have watched it numerous times.
The song For A Friend by The Communards that plays over the closing credits was written for Mark Ashton (played in the film by Ben Schnetzer), and it’s a sad, poignant and beautiful song.
The Curse of the Golden Idol is a detective-puzzle game that is easily played one handed, is cheap, and is great.
Invisible Inc is like a stealthy XCOM (which I see on your profile), and again, easily played one handed.
The Curse of the Golden Idol was released in 2022, but could probably run on my microwave. It’s a brilliant little detective game inspired by The Return of the Obra Dinn. Highly recommended.
Another detective game from 2022 I loved that’s similarly untaxing on hardware was Strange Horticulture. You run a horticulture shop in a Victorian-y fantasy land where strange things are happening…
Both under 8 hours to complete.