When was the last demonstration made against central leadership? Or everyone just loves it there? Why do they have a firewall that blocks youtube?
When was the last demonstration made against central leadership? Or everyone just loves it there? Why do they have a firewall that blocks youtube?
Did they bring in some tanks as well? Or if they did are we allowed to talk about it?
Can you draw the chinese leader as Winnie the pooh in China without repercussions? I can do it to my leader where I’m at.
Right after he releases his tax returns, oh wait by his own words he stands by nothing.
As opposed to what? The republican voters?
As long as it’s done officially lmao.
No you still blame the people blindly voting for the orange idiot. If he didn’t get votes and support he would not have won. You can’t just write off his voters as blameless wtf.
It would be hard to quantify the effect but you also have the alcohol induces risky behavior aspect that would lead to more births though. Somewhat balancing your impotence and toxicology effects at least. Overall probably still a net negative.
Weed is an aphrodisiac though?
Yeah and maybe trump can suck putins dick in another press conference to try and get more of the anti democracy vote.
Sure, they still accept it though.
The xbox version of battlefront 2 runs great on a emulator on steam deck.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
That’s kind of a side effect of trying to be famous though. It’s ridiculous to try and get your image out there and be recognized and then to be upset when you are out there and get recognized. Nio saying she was upset but that obviously getting mobbed with fandom comes with the territory of the industry you put yourself into for work.
Yeah it’s more like displaying a picture of the doom intro screen rather than actually computing it. Still cool but vastly different than computing the drawing functionality of the game.
From what I observe and gather, it is that reddit usage is working as they intend it. I.e. it is not designed to be effective because it does not add value to their IPO goals. It may not be the answer to your question, but more so an explanation of why your question does not have a good answer. You can try barking up more trees because legitimately it seems like your case is an abuse of their rules or terms but ultimately there is not much recourse you can do to force their hand to follow their own policies.
That depends on who is gatekeeping. I don’t think there is any christian nation-state offering a “right to return” but i would imagine they would have a litmus test too of they did.
“Government never works, elect me and I will prove it to you.”
I know that they don’t like people asking for a free Tibet and independence for Hong Kong. Are there any good mainstream Chinese media articles that talk about these subjects?