I’ll still continue using proton, as I haven’t seen them staying from their goal just yet, but I’d love to see some alternatives non the less.
Hehe, what if the ex isn’t a man? ;)
Damn, thought they’d be more skirt like, but very cool anyways.
The meme is also about honey.
196 has always been obsessed with gick
Don’t you need an indexer and some other service too. I’ve got a server too, and to be honest, I’ve noticed the decline. But right now, even 15 dollars a month is a bit much for me.
Cure my depression, yes ;)
I’ve got iode, and to be honest, I think that just getting a custom dns will block more than enough trackers.
Doesn’t usenet cost money? Why should i pay for something that public trackers does almost ass well?
I don’t know, seems integral to the joke
I could never imagine playing defense for a trillion dollar company. “It works for me so I like it.” is a perfectly valid response, but you’re trying to somehow defend their horrible practice of a walled garden, a practice that creates huge amounts of e-waste.
If only he was tech literate, smh
She’s parodying this type of tweet:
Even if they all are taken out, the system is still bad so they will be replaced quickly.
If you look at the swedish parties only one is in support, but they are the biggest :/
Wait, slime_ like the person constantly in tomato gaming’s chat? Didn’t know they were famous.
What’s thus got to with gambling?