Holy Shit! I’ve never seen another I Fight Dragons fan outside of a concert before. You’re awesome!
Holy Shit! I’ve never seen another I Fight Dragons fan outside of a concert before. You’re awesome!
Y’all are getting pizza parties?
At least used car salespeople will actually sell you the car. Apparently recruiters will just lie about ever even having one.
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell would also be a good read for someone looking favorably on the Soviets during the Spanish Civil War.
Is this bait, or do you just talk like that?
Winning is kind of his only chance to avoid the consequences for a lifetime of breaking the rules.
Republicans really aren’t fans of letting people make their own choices. You could even say that they aren’t pro-choice.
I spend way too long looking at it during concerts! They have it set up to look like clouds of smoke coming from the stage.
It’s not too bad. They probably wouldn’t have Windows either if they had to set it up themselves. My dad has been using Ubuntu for years, but he doesn’t know it. It’s just a laptop that works as far as he’s concerned.
It’s one of my favorite movies to come out in recent years.