• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Do I just go in the order of the links you posted in the previous reply?

    Yes. Get a working camera feed and go from there. For that, tackle the hardware side first - Pi, camera, power/ethernet, case, storage for the OS. Then install the OS and the camera software and test it. Mine are all indoors so you’ll have to see what kind of cases are weatherproof if you’re using it outside.

    Also just to make sure I understand correctly - at the end of it I should have a camera setup that I can access, via VLC, from the device of my choosing over ethernet/intranet?

    Exactly. VLC will be fine if you only want to view one camera. If you want to add more, do recording/motion detection, view them in a browser, etc. then MotionEye on a server works but there are other options. I know that the Synology NAS’ DSM OS has its own solution for managing all that stuff.

  • There are plenty of guides but I just took it step by step. The links I provided have instructions for each bit of software needed. You’ll need to be able to do things like flash the OS to a SD or USB drive and then be able to ssh into the Pi to install the camera software. Start here: https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/

    There’s no programming skill needed but you should be comfortable with using the terminal, or at least be willing to learn. You don’t need to install a OS with a desktop, everything is done via the terminal.

    After that’s done you can use VLC to view the feed and check it’s working before installing motioneye on a server. You just get the IP address of the camera and give the URL to VLC like this: rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8554/h264

    If you look at the whole thing in one go, it’s overwhelming, but if you break it into chunks it’s not too bad and it’s a good learning opportunity, if that’s your thing.

  • Thats how words work u use combine multiple concepts together to create a new things that encapsules the whole.

    Sure, you didn’t do that though. Let’s take the second item, “The existence of systemic oppression and power imbalances”

    That’s the original definition, not what right wingers use to deflect away from the original. You’re all over the place.

    For instance if u where to define a table as having legs a table top etc then some moron claimed well i have legs ur definition sucks that wouldnt be a good faith interpretation would it?

    I’m interpreting in good faith, the problem is on your side. You’re trying (and failing) to assign a definition to something that doesn’t have one other than “anything mush-brained right wingers don’t like”. Just accept it instead of tying your brain in knots.