The more I read your comment the more insane it sounds. The Dems never had a majority in congress. They had the senate, not the house. The senate can’t do shit if the house isn’t aligned. A VP’s role is not the same as a president and her powers were very limited. Regardless we’re splitting hairs over these things.
ACA is on the chopping block with Trump in control of all executive branches of government. They have no healthcare plan.
We will see what happens, but please stop bullshitting me.
I already have been called evil for simply not having any empathy toward this man. Apparently there are some that believe even the worst people deserve empathy despite being shown time and time again they don’t care about the sick and dying over making a profit. I never advocated for violence or murder, I never cheered or claimed more should die. But I’m the evil one for not caring about this guy somehow. I honestly don’t know if humanity has a chance with all of this corporate dick sucking.