And then the locals laughed at him for getting scammed out of 10 bucks…
It’s really all about perspective…
And then the locals laughed at him for getting scammed out of 10 bucks…
It’s really all about perspective…
Because why would I pay for other people’s health…
No shit… This dude is more openly corrupt than last time he was president… He’s killing thousands of people with his “policy’s” he’s sending innocent people to prison… Because the color of their skin… And it’s only been 2 months… This dude is on his way to being this generations Hitler and if he doesn’t start WW3 than that’s the best we can probably hope for…
It Trickles down!!! Don’t you understand??? It trickles down!!!
If you say it enough you will believe it… So just keep saying it…
Yeah I didn’t know about that one… But I was looking for something more in line of… I don’t support our idiot of a president and his actions so I’m giving this guy money in spite of him
I don’t know what the logistics are but how do we start a fundraiser for this man?
It would piss trump off…
It would show the rest of the world there are still sane people in America…
It probably wouldn’t help much but if it’s anywhere near successful it will probably make an impact… And force trump to actually help
Someone needs to do this…
When they said they wanted to run the government like a business… What they mean is get rid of everything that doesn’t immediately increase profit…
For profit prisons need to fill the space somehow
Laws don’t matter if you don’t enforce them…
Don’t forget they are getting rid of or at least try to get rid of the tracking of disease… Research… And vaccines themselves…
You can only squeeze every penny out of your population for so long before the majority don’t have any pennies left… With more and more people in the US living paycheck to paycheck and the increase of credit card debt on the raise… We are nearing that point… Trump will probably send this country into the biggest recession in history but it will be ok because they won’t call it one like the last time he was president…
I don’t know chickens… But it seems like buying one is cheaper than buying a dozen eggs… I get it needs a place to live and upkeep… Even if you needed to buy 12 it seems like once they lay eggs you would end up with more eggs than you knew what to do with them… Sell them to your neighbors for 3 bucks a dozen and bam free eggs…
Not him… His goon squad… The idiot does absolutely nothing but run his mouth… Don’t give him so much credit
One of the very few genuine famous people… It would be devastating to find out that she was involved in something horrendous… If it ever happened…
I got them I was perfectly fine… But why should I give you these things that can prevent suffering? No one I have ever known has gotten this disease…
I think it’s more trump / Putin and Putin/ Winnie the Pooh so they are just all friends
Nah my initial investment wasn’t nearly as much in Bitcoin…
It’s because he spends all his time being a top ranked gamer, don’t you know…