I tried that PuTTY but all it did was access Linux terminal for me. I want to see desktop. So I can move mouse around and type with keyboard. I’m not tech savvy enough for controlling everything via terminal.
I tried that PuTTY but all it did was access Linux terminal for me. I want to see desktop. So I can move mouse around and type with keyboard. I’m not tech savvy enough for controlling everything via terminal.
Nothing to see here, folks. He’s just filling spots with yes men.
Join your local advocacy organizations, volunteer and make the difference in your community/local area. It’ll have more impact for you than you can ever do via federal level.
Nothing he could do would surprise me about his stupidity.
I’m Deaf and I don’t need much to see how stupid he is. However I can’t say the same among some folks in the Deaf community though.
There’s no such thing in this “joke”.
What are you on?
I was gonna say you forgot porno but then
scientific information
Yep :D
Zelda, OoT Master Quest
‘Believe in Christ’? How the fuck do people see that?
What is K shape? Like V but added flat? Or just direction where right side of K goes both up and down?
So all you gotta do is put it on and swim into the lake?
Dont forget sponsored results crammed in between.
So what’s the other six?
Went over your head didn’t it?
rip my balls off
All I could afford.
I came when I heard you’d beat the ELITE FOUR.
Sigh… Thank you! This finally work perfectly and so easy.
I can rest in peace now.