We are using Tick Tick. https://www.ticktick.com/ We made several lists per store type.
We are using Tick Tick. https://www.ticktick.com/ We made several lists per store type.
Yes, your traffic is encrypted through the VPN tunnel, to the other location, but than you need to get access to the internet again. SSL traffic is already private, so there you don’t need an VPN for. Yeah, you get another IP, but you browse on the internet (same fingerprint) your pc has access to the internet (same hardware ID) and so on. So you can be tracked still. There are multiple videos on YouTube telling you a VPN on its own is a private method to access the Internet. Look for it.
A VPN is not for privacy. It simply put your front door to another location. There needs to be more done for being “private”. But Mullvad would be a good start.
And are you really sure they deleted your account? Or just saying?
Try Quad9 DNS resolver
It’s all about money for Apple. Not about user privacy. They track lots of info from their users as well and even want to sell AppleTV+ subscriptions with advertising!! Ridiculous
So we can buy Android now as well?
Quad9 ?
I have this also all the time on my Microsoft account. All un-successful of course (long password and 2FA activated). So stopped looking at this.
Look at this website. It’s in Dutch, so you might need some translation. https://decorrespondent.nl/209/nee-je-hebt-wel-iets-te-verbergen/23fc6e9d-f667-0377-1675-7b5e7bde60cc
Did you read the privacy terms of iOS Clocks? https://www.meanterm.com/clocks.pp
Ifvthey say: “we may……” then they do.
deleted by creator
First of all turn all Location Settings OFF, besides “SOS” and “Find My”. Also turn off “Then don’t install apps like Facebook, instagram, TikTok, X.
At this moment you have a almost unique fingerprint, so I don’t know how privacy is involved with this browser?
Calendar 366 is a very good Fantastical replacement. One time payment
At least you created a very unique fingerprint so websites and big tech can follow you 😜
Look at this YouTube vid. https://youtu.be/8MHBMdTBlok
Why not a direct VPN/WireGuard link to your home network? Works flawless.