I love my Etymotics. Bit pricey but so comfortable. I wore them for years as a musician and now for live shows.
I love my Etymotics. Bit pricey but so comfortable. I wore them for years as a musician and now for live shows.
Unfortunately there’s a lot of truth in that statement, especially in the case of rare disease. It’s really difficult to convince a company to spend billions to develop a treatment that will only cure 1 in 100,000 people without letting them charge an arm and a leg, and giving them a very long exclusivity deal so they can continue to charge high prices. So much of that cost to develop is due to the dozens of other failed drugs and formulations they tried on their way to success.
I don’t have a solution for the problem, and I’m always a little suspicious of anyone who claims it’s easy to solve. I think the UK has a decent idea, the NHS basically decides if the cost of a drug will be covered by insurance by comparing the expected benefit and the current cost. If the ratio is too skewed, they refuse to cover the medication. In theory, this should be an incentive for a company to charge less. In practice, it leads to some companies choosing not to market in the UK.
Here’s a bit of hope for you, scientists have figured out how to trick the body into producing any protein or antibody they want, through technology like gene therapy and mRNA vaccines. We’re about to cure a lot of diseases that used to be 100% fatal. Diseases that kill kids and adults alike.
Most things seem to be getting worse these days, but at least we’re making progress in other areas.
Unironically, I had to delete this game from my phone because I wasn’t getting work done. This game slaps.
Jfc just spent 15 minutes trying to cancel a newspaper subscription this morning. Shame I couldn’t wait six months to do so.
For those interested in more, I found this People Make Games video to be super interesting. https://youtu.be/lYaDXZ2MI-k?si=pxrioKZq_S7ka9il
Ohioan here. You’re not wrong. Sorry about JD Vance.
For me and mine, it’s carrots. Do you know how difficult it is to find carrot-free items? Impossible.
Devastating loss for the science community. I used this database in my PhD, and didn’t expect it to shut down ever.
Touche, forgot this was PatientGamers. Grim Dawn is basically the same sans MMO. It’s the best ARPG I’ve played like, ever, and it’s due for a huge DLC soon. Goes on sale for very cheap often.
Unlike Last Epoch, it’s more item-focused. Unlike PoE, the items aren’t a total nightmare to optimize…
Very interesting - I haven’t hit a single bug during my play.
A handful if my PoE friends have picked up Last Epoch which I’ve found to be more approachable. Little less MMO but a very similar game.
In grad school I worked with MRI data (hence the username). I had to upload ~500GB to our supercomputing cluster. Somewhere around 100,000 MRI images, and wrote 20 or so different machine learning algorithms to process them. All said and done, I ended up with about 2.5TB on the supercomputer. About 500MB ended up being useful and made it into my thesis.
Don’t stay in school, kids.
Nah. Fenced epee for a bit in a college club. Height advantage was pretty great. I guess it just depends on the weapon.
Outer Wilds was the best game I played on PS4. I strongly recommend experiencing it for yourself.
I would say the space ship/0g flight is maybe 30% of the gameplay, and you don’t need to be really excellent at it, thankfully.
Can’t say I’ve heard anything since launch, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
Grim Dawn Item Assistant is your best friend. While you’re at it, Rainbow Item Names (or whatever it’s called).
Well if you liked PoE I doubt you’ll like D4. It’s a much simpler game. Sadly my only advice is to try GD and Last Epoch again. I’ve got hundreds of hours in the former and I just got 10 hours into the latter.
Last Epoch feels like a more approachable PoE. I thoroughly enjoy how the skills interplay with one another, but I still prefer the itemization in Grim Dawn.
The only reason I’m not playing GD currently is because I have too many QoL mods installed so my cloud saving doesn’t work, but I can cloud save for Last Epoch for my steam deck lmao.
They raised my rent 20% over two years and priced me out of two apartments. Glad to see progress.
Subdermal is a lot easier than implanting in other compartments, e.g., intracranial. For example, hormonal birth control exists as an implant.
But, there’s fascinating research into how the brain rejects implanted electrodes, e.g., neuralink. Lots of work has been done developing materials that are less likely to be rejected by the brain and the brain’s immune system. For example, electrodes can be coated in chemicals to make them less harsh to the body, and flexible materials can be used.