A bit of an activist. Fond of empathy.
Can respond in English, Suomi and broken 日本語.
Elsewhere in fedi:
Mastodon: raru.re/@Ninmi
Mastodon (🇫🇮): 451.place/@Ninmi
Bookwyrm: https://kirja.casa/user/Ninmi
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
These plugins just never work quite as well as a browser made specifically for it, namely Qutebrowser. Trouble with Qutebrowser is that’s it’s Python and parsing a lot of links slows it down. Still the best browser out there for this use case though, as far as I know.
I assume as the volume of links grow, the amount of work mods would have to do in vetting editorialized headlines grow as well as some people would like to inject in their own bias. You’d see this obnoxious editorialization from time to time in .ml in the past on articles concerning USA, for example.
I’d just add the relevant info in angle brackets after the original headline, personally.
I understand the general sentiment, but this whole “we’re no longer a democracy” is at best bullshit and at worst a dangerous statement to repeat. There’s a lot to fix in the US democracy (and somehow money involved isn’t even the most critical issue right now), but simply stating it doesn’t exist could empower some really destructive behaviour. Try living next to Russia for some perspective.
Follow small vtubers, don’t go on X and don’t go on YouTube. Save yourself from this stupidity.
Qtox should work? It’s not a very good chat software and a bit cumbersome, but it allows direct file transfers.
I do wonder if it’s going to be HC viable as well.
Just some happy moments in an otherwise grim election. I had one NA friend confirm they can see the video, but tell me if you get geo-blocked. (press the play button with “Katso” next to it).
Sad to see 'cause it feels like we need Pirate Parties more than ever.
“Record result” doesn’t even begin to describe how hard they shattered their previous number. They went from 7% last election to 17%. Left Alliance has never seen numbers like this as far as I know.
I’m glad there’s finally some real backlash for this shit.
I really only wanted mods to fix the horrible 2011 Xbox 360 UI and to remove the dynamic enemy level scaling, but for the latter no manual install guides were provided and it seems you must use one of these mod organizing softwares for whatever fucking reason.
For mod organizer no install instructions were provided for a Linux/GOG combination so I just gave up trying to mod Skyrim. I just wanted two goddamn mods and I failed.
Vähän ulkomaiden politiikkaa mutta kun oli tämmöinen hyvän mielen artikkeli.
The same old, tired and stupid control layout and no trackpads. How do you even begin to make a PC handheld and not offer any mouse cursor controls? All the Steam Competitors do is up the specs to stupid numbers and appeal to familiarity. It’s both disappointing and something should’ve expected.
I remember watching V for Vendetta when Obama was president and I actually can’t believe the US went from the Obama era to being on the brink of becoming a christofascist nation.
Avasin nyt artikkelin kuitenkin mutta odotettavasti argumentit olivat luokkaa että eivät usko mihinkään hybridioperaatioon ja “haluan nähdä sukulaisiani”. Oletettavasti harmitusta etteivät pääse näkemään joulun alla sukulaisiaan eikä sitä varmaan voi purkaa muuhun kun Suomen viranomaisiin ja tulevat siinä samalla pelaamaan Kremlinin hybridioperaation pussiin.
Tosiaan juuri niinkuin artikkelissa sanottiin, ensimmäisellä kaudella pahimmalta vältyttiin kun Trump ei ollut millään muotoa valmistautunut ottamaan valtaa ja Republikaanipuoluetta ei oltu vielä kaapattu siihen malliin kun se on nykyään. Ihmiset ei ihan tunnu ymmärtävän miten katastrofaalinen Trumpin kausi voi olla ihan globaalilla skaalalla. Valtaannousu on tapahtunut Mussolinin tapaan pellestä diktaattoriksi jonka jälkeen demokratiaa tullaa ajamaan alas. Sillä erotuksella että Trumpilla on käsissään maailman ylivoimaisesti ainoa supervalta. Ilmastotavoitteet voidaan todennäköisesti unohtaa. Nämä seuraavat vaalit stressaa minua vielä enemmän kuin sota Ukrainassa.
Even if we choose to ignore how unethical and self-centered this argument is (for any country), a lot of US influence, affluence and indeed global stability right now hinges on the US military might being there to reliably challenge authoritarian aggression on its allies and partners. The second US starts showing cracks in that reliability (with the extremist MAGA wing and all), authoritarian leaders start seeing opportunities to test the waters, literally as well.
This notion somehow assumes that the US achieved and can continue its status disconnected from the rest of the world’s security and it’s bonkers. Even the otherwise sound argument for increased defense spending in Europe is made moot by the Russo-Ukrainian war as it’ll obviously increase spending in Europe. Spending that could be largely funneled in to the US military-industrial complex, recouping from what gets sent if they signal their commitment and keep sending their late cold-war era kit to grind down one of their two most serious threats. Without a single US troop on the ground.
It’s hard to think of a bigger foreign policy W for the US with its otherwise controversial bloated military and more fitting use for what’s already built for this exact purpose, but it doesn’t seem important to the extremist wing.
Toisinsanoen jään odottamaan PC julkaisua.
I think the original question could be about the protocol. Why not use Matrix as the protocol for the project? No one is doing the work to bring a Matrix-based Discord alternative because they’re a) on Discord b) creatin IRC face-lifts like Element c) refusing to quit IRC d) making projects with bespoke protocols like this one. It’s incredibly frustrating.