Install Thefuck to help when you screw up commands.
Does this actually affect your life? Just ignore him when he brings it up. Convincing him will likely not materially affect your life.
There are some highly intelligent, very dangerous people out there, and 95% of companies will be incapable of stopping them. Most people, across all industries, are too slow, uneducated, lazy or just uncaring enough that no amount of training or tools will fix it.
No joke: My mom burned herself with coffee really bad and we high tailed it back across the border to Sarnia before getting treated.
Abundant what now?
Used furniture is real cheap, even good stuff. People want new everything.
SCP-6221, All I want for Christmas is you.
Canadian here. Had an accident and took a ten minute ambulance ride in Minnesota. $1400.
It’s a thanksgiving movie because it’s got halloween and xmas in it.
I hope his children destroy his estate through their greed.
Canada is America’s Ukraine. Giant land full of natural resources and no nuclear weapons.
Like 15 years ago if you consider stock market algorithms “robots”.
They need the departments that make people’s lives more miserable: ICE, DHS, FBI, NSA, etc.
Vulcans are a completely unbelievable race. There is absolutely no logic to being so diafainful to other races yet it’s pretty much universal amongst Vulcans.
Runescape. It’s been around for more than 20 years and still is one of the most active online games.
Send the emails to your company’s legal team. It’s not your fight.