I feel like a lot of people might think miniature building/painting could be easy - or at least quick.
It isn’t.
I feel like a lot of people might think miniature building/painting could be easy - or at least quick.
It isn’t.
Right, in perspective of the initial orange portal the people are moving. They aren’t at rest compared to the portal. The portal is at rest.
It’s the largest social media right now.
It makes sense that changes to it, especially changes like this, are news.
What is that even suppose to mean in this context?
The only way for someone to make money in crypto is for someone else to lose it.
Crypto is a scam.
That is 100% what it is.
Republicans don’t get elected when the constituents are educated. So instead of changing their platform to align with educated opinions, they decided to dumb down the population.
They’ve been doing it for decades and it’s finally all coming to a head.
I’m a teacher and don’t see public schooling lasting more than 5 years.
I didn’t say it did.
That’s a No True Scotsman Fallacy.
And also, laissez-faire Capitalism is one of the keystone principles of Libertarianism.
They’re almost always corporate libertarians, putting business before individual freedoms.
They’re usually longer than a comment on a thread. They’re usually presented with the understanding that they’re satirical or sarcastic.
Highlight of your day?
Yeah, but they’re real good at it.
Any cheese substitutes maybe?
But there are.
That’s what I listed in my comment above. That was the point I was trying to make.
None of that changes that the capitalist system and capitalism have a direct impact on other areas of government.
Lobbiest that work for companies do that constantly because of Capitalism. It’s an entire field of work.
What do you mean by one policy?
Capitalism influences many areas of government directly.
It’s not just economics. It’s foreign policy, company regulations, individual protections, land ownership rights, etc. It’s an ongoing list. Even cultural rights are directly impacted by Capitalism.
It is one policy of a larger system.
Right, it’s an economic system that directly influences many parts of government.
Same as any other economic political system.
You’re just describing a political system.
So who do you side with instead? The owners who are without a doubt corrupt?