“Why do feet pics keep popping up? I specifically blocked that entire community.”
Hello Gordon.
“Why do feet pics keep popping up? I specifically blocked that entire community.”
Plato’s duck
I have an answer but no one would want to know it.
I never said they would have to suffer, I’m saying without a purpose that society finds useful, the majority of society will stop caring about them.
This is very true. Look at pigeons, for example. Used to value pigeons as a tool for communication and they even saved lives, but when technology advanced with things like the telegram, we abandoned pigeons. Cows have been domesticated for tens of thousands of years, meaning they are dependent on us for survival, and even if we don’t use then for food, we will still have to take care of them as cows have many things wrong with they’re biology such as the fact that they will die if not milked, and no, the calf can’t keep up with that as the modern cow produces far more milk than they did in the wild so long ago. In essence, cows would either become white elephants or go extinct if we didn’t care for them.
No they’re not. The ATF does not consider flamethrower a firearm and there exists no country wide law about flamethrower, and by law, even a felon can own a fully working flamethrower.
Not a ban, a restriction. Like California, you need a permit. Sorry if I made that confusing.
Because. Also, flamethrower aren’t considered weapons by the government, so the only states that limits you from buying one is California and Ohio and Maryland banned them.
I want it.
Why is there a buOOH MAC AND CHEESE
Trust me, bro, I’m trying to understand my generation as well. They’re just weird.
You will be hearing from Texas very soon.
I think I’ll stick to boots, thank you.
That is true, but there are subspecies which are made from two similar animals, like a horse and donkey make a mule.
You know what I hate more than this? You get the right answer but you didn’t word it the right way or didn’t put a space so the whole answer is wrong. Just for an example that actually happened to me, I had a question of the frequency the US uses in electricity. I put 60Hz. The answer was 60 Hz.
Don’t we all.