Oh, I’ve got a Windows Partition on mine… Must have forgotten about it.
Just here for fun. Mastodon: @RichieRich@hessen.social
Pixelfed: @RichieRich@pixelfed.de
Oh, I’ve got a Windows Partition on mine… Must have forgotten about it.
Russia is like, “Sons! We need sons for the fatherland so that they can fight in the field against Ukraine!” How inhuman can Russia be?
I don’t understand It anyway - what’s going on in the IT companies that come up with this? Microsoft Outlook isn’t better. In any case, a meaningful view for us “Europeans” is not adjustable: There is either too much useless information at the overviews in these calendars, the wrong information given or way too little. Like this: Week starts at Sunday, Degrees in Celsius, Month-Day-Year Dates and “Yesterday, Tomorrow” as Day description, instead it should be Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21, Friday 22. And not crap like this: Actual day is shortened down and there is Saturday in this view! WHY?
🥹 Do it as often as you can. ❤️
Breakin’ down while jumping to the first letter of my name. 🥵
I hope they don’t show an ad on my doctor’s operating table computer while he’s performing surgery on my heart and watching through a camera image. 😱
OMG, this is awful!!
Oh, they are experienced seniors! I saw people zipping the package with: “project-new”, “project-new(1)”, “copy of project-new(1)”
/sarc 🤡
Yes, if your customers insist on storing the source files on IBM i in “QSYS.LIB” and you are not allowed to develop locally in you favorite IDE. The old “AS/400 developers” fight tooth and nail to store the source code in the in the database instead of “Integrated File System”, so it’s always a pain. 🤮 Fortunately there is IBM BOB which makes transfer really easy.
That‘s how I still do it today, 'cause: no version control. 🙈 I wished I could use Git. But im my customer project there isn’t any…
Why do you need to access 20 years of data in Gmail? For archiving mails there is a cost-free tool called MailStore Home. It’s portable and fits on a USB thumb drive. Save two or more copies for data safety.
So you can archive your mails without a hassle. Then you can choose any provider you want.
Yeah, exactly, they don’t want EU citizens lurking at there websites. You should use a VPN.
I’m hoping this will never be the practice in Germany! We’re using these gas pumps with LC Displays from the 80’s so there can’t be apps with ads on a screen. Also known as “German Digitization”. (A buzz word for modern technology /sarc)
Please don’t tell it to European oil concerns to update their gas pumps. Shhhhh 🤫I want to have it without ads 'til I’m to old to use a gas pump.
OH MY F… GOD! I knew it is witchcraft but I didn’t knew that is is so awful!