I’m not a linguist, but isn’t that Early Modern English, not Old English?
You can read one of his good books instead of watching a crappy movie.
I remember using internet in mid to late 90s and there were no ads, maybe OP means that period?
Being Br*tish is an abomination, why can’t they just be normal?
Google is the same. Every time I open the stock gallery app instead of the FOSS one it nags me to enable backups for my photos. And I know if I do I will be forced to pay their subscription.
Also regular exercise reduces cramps.
I don’t like to be that guy, but 0! equals to 1
Funny how they call it Africa’s third longest river instead of calling it by its name.
I’m partial to AVL trees, they are 20% faster.
Source: Ben Pfaff. Performance analysis of BSTs in system softwar , 2004.
I think It worked, I have no idea who Jessica Simpson is, is it Homer Simpson’s sister or something?
Now I’m curious what song did OP mean. I think any song from Manowar should work.
git checkout -b car
git rebase new_parking_spot
git push --force-with-lease
No, it’s when I connect with my ISP at home. If I use Mullvad VPN or if I actually login into YouTube web app, everything works fine.
I remember it every time I had to pour the water out of my water bottle and fill it again after I passed the security in the airport. Such a waste of time and effort.
Also I remember when I was a kid, the pilots allowed me into the cockpit during the flight and I was fascinated. After 9/11 it’s no longer possible.