1 year ago@rbesfe @booja I heard on a newscast that the school boards don’t have to pay legal fees unless successful. I found this article which states:
“Ontario Premier Doug Ford suggested school boards should ‘put all their resources into the kids’rather than legal fees for ‘this other nonsense that they’re looking to fight in court.’
The four school boards said, however, that they will not incur any costs for the lawsuits unless they are successful.”
@rbesfe @booja
[SCDSB Chair] Lloyd backed up what the other boards stated.
“We are moving forward on this litigation on a contingency basis and there is no cost to the board, so we are not wasting taxpayers money. We are not taking education dollars out of the classroom.”
If the litigation is successful, Lloyd said they would want the funds to support students and provide additional resources that the board currently needs.