Human leather bound books!
Human leather bound books!
Another reason he is pissed. He is no god damn lesbian. :)
Witcher has never been an RPG. It’s an action adventure game with a story and defined main character. Like The Last of us, or Red Dead redemption.
The characters sex forms a core part of the story telling, rather than choosing to gloss over it.
Depends on if you plan to encounter any CEOs when you go for a walk outside.
And it’s not the competent, powerful and attractive part that breaks your immersion?
Or he is just pissed that he won’t be having women in game to romance.
I think the conspiracy is leaking prematurely.
Did the NYPD not have to retract this picture, saying it was not the shooter?
Life denied due to preexisting case of terminal Affuenza
Exactly. It’s very useful in a managed environment. It’s performance overheads suck though.Way too much CPU usage.
But it should not be part of Windows, only office 365 or as an optional 3rd party service.
Same story with icloud on Apple and Google Drive on Android.
No free version of a paid cloud service should be included in any OS. It should require a separate opt-in sign up. Have we not learnt anything from the Microsoft antitrust cases.
Thanks, no idea how I switched that on.
Hey, does Lemmy think I am a bot now? I guess I should take that as a compliment.
Splinter, beam, own eye, yada yada
I am disturbed by the number of people who don’t understand that WiFi is not the internet.
Prosecute the Catholic Church first, then we might take your point seriously.
Simple explanation:
How insecure must you feel, to be threatened by a 95 year old?
Exactly. If you don’t have a home, make sure they get one. If they don’t have a job, get them connected to one. Make sure the children are going to school and that they get the healthcare and quality food they need.
Universal basic needs stuff.
Goes far further back than that. The Persian invasion of Turkey and the subsequent Greek invasion of Persia and Egypt comes to mind.
Roman conquests of the Mediterranean. The islamic conquest of North Africa, the Balkans and India.
Colonialism is not a new concept, it’s conquest them staying to impose your culture on the locals and exploiting the local resources.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine also has colonialist objectives.
But she is wearing female attire and some makeup. Not sure when the guy in front has to do with anything.
Fun fact. Most people never know a person is trans.
Its a manufactured problem.