But reinforcement makes you heavier and you’re back to the drawing board!
It might be easier to first chop arms and legs off to save the excess weigh.lt.
But reinforcement makes you heavier and you’re back to the drawing board!
It might be easier to first chop arms and legs off to save the excess weigh.lt.
Oh yeah I agree with that and s good point! Google Play Store is convenient but… Well I circumvent it where possible, more due to the tracking mania but your points added to my sensitivity,so thank you!
That’s what Arthur describes: you’re comparing from my point of view two non issues against each other.
If you don’t have the profile that either warrants:
And that being worth it instead of just getting you personally is a very specific threat model where I lack the fantasy on what would warrant that.
Or to give the relevant xkcd:
And to answer your specific question: I personally went with keepass2android and have neither issues nor concerns so far.
Seems like a historic artefact to me as well. And one of their mentioned points was “no sync via http” which even for 2006 makes me… hesitant.
And their history section ends in 2007, couldn’t find a feature comparison in their quick start guide.
Yay a rabbit hole! Thanks for the key words :)
Can you give a link or description how anarchy counts be implement in a easy there is resilient to a subverted centralization of power that does not truly on an active majority?
Because we don’t have that, sadly. And I’ve never seen a concept that takes a silent and passive majority into consideration.
I live in a village. I own a pitchfork. Song need it for any profession.
Make of that whatever you want.
This is a twisting of your words to make you smile, not to offend :)
You identify with the person so arrogant that he tried to cheat not only the gods but death himself, putting the whole of mortal existence in danger - while disliking the hottest bisexual in existence who was tricked into not knowing what reflections were - and then tragically thinking that he met the hottest sea creature in existence!
That would always by definition block all third parties.
Think of the reddit example from the person you replied to: there was a huge outcry when reddit announced shutting down their lower API tiers.
Either information is free to flow or not at all, there is no middle ground.
With that in mind: I’m sure they thought about it and decided to prioritize transparency she flexibility over security. Personally I support that decision.
The cheapest framework is nearly five times the OPs link.
While “no laptop” is better than a HP I don’t see this link as helpful as all.
OP, I would check out used markets in this price range. While frameworks are awesome I haven’t seen them being refurbished yet and you regularly have business leasing returns from Lenovo for example that could match your budget.
One thing that was only mentioned briefly by someone else is the physical button turning on the computer.
Similar to the paperclip test figure out where the power button goes into the mainboardw and bridge that with a short cable. Is possible that by moving the case the old button lost a cable.
This is just one more thing to test though, it’s really trial and error as you know :)
You have one assumption in your question that is wrong. Sorry to hijack your question a but this is important to me and I hope useful to someone reading it
Kleptomania is the inability to resist the urge to steal items, usually for reasons other than personal use or financial gain. […] kleptomania is classified in psychiatry as an impulse control disorder.
There is no inherent motive.
The distinction is important to me because kleptomania can be one of the lesser known symptoms of an underlying ADHD diagnostic.
To give an example from several decades ago: I had to wait on an empty cash register right next to an exit. Something in my brain went "fuck this"and I walked out without my shopping. But with a 24 pack of soda… Which I didn’t even like.
To come back to your question: if, long before therapy, a painting would’ve pulled my interest and the effort would’ve been quite low that could’ve been enough. I.e. next to an exit or already rolled up.
Haha my association is “ah damn but I didn’t wanna build a hospital! I’ll just take those people and material and we’ll build a the night awesome cemetery ever!”.
Dunno why my mind went there but I’ll have to thank you for that!
One thing to point out: it doesn’t say “elected”.
In theory it might be just the best leading person for a role.
That in itself is the most complex issue in my opinion: where do leaders come from and how do you make sure that they don’t overstay their need? It’s an unresolved issue and democracy is our best answer yet, in my opinion.
From what I understand: CasaOS is simply an abstraction layer and takes away a lot of the manual work.
I agree with you that this shows down learning quite a bit.
I see three ways forward for you:
a) switch to a Linux base system, Debian, arch, nixos, whatever resonates and set up everything from scratch. High learning curve but no more hidden things.
b) same as a but as a separate setup. This is what I would recommend if you have the time and cash. Replicate what’s already working and compare.
c) figure out how to do things manually within the CasaOS framework. Can’t help you there though :)
I wouldn’t say that Germany is the worst.
Because my request to do so is pending since '09.
Not Op here, from what I’ve read is that the answer to that question is unknown but he showed a significant tolerance for some. Does that make it himself fine? In my book: yes.
For me personally it was enoughto leave the project behind as it’s so closely tied to the person.
That’s a call everyone needs to do for themselves though if course
Im not familiar with British law, anyone care to explain why this is capped at 90%? Kinda unintuitive to me.
No it’s the complaint about one of the few transparent revenue flows Mozilla managed to pull off.
It’s disabled one step deep on the settings
There is a shitload of stuff going wrong with the Mozilla foundation and this doesn’t even make the top 10.
That’s the reason for my down vote: it’s nothing I want this community to focus on. It’s basically engagement bait with the topic “ads bad”.