No, what an utterly ridiculous lie to spread. She would never get “Korean bbq” tattooed on her hand, she’s a multimillionaire with tons of resources at her disposal to prevent a silly mistake like that. Instead, she got “small charcoal grill” instead of “seven rings”. But don’t worry, she got it fixed apparently, so it instead correctly read … “small charcoal finger grill”.
The part that immediately got me was the clinician hiring a biller to dispute the $20k payback, only for it to be reduced to $10k. They probably paid the biller almost $10k to get the documentation together. For smaller paybacks, the clinic would probably be taking a loss to dispute the charge even if it gets stopped completely. As long as the insurer can provide justification for the charge, there’s basically no way to punish them for doing this, even when the insurer knows the original payment was legit.